The Daily Telegraph

Worboys refused legal aid to fight parole challenge

- By Robert Mendick and Eleanor Steafel

JOHN WORBOYS, the “black cab rapist”, has been refused legal aid in the High Court battle to keep him in jail.

Worboys’ applicatio­n for taxpayer funding to pay for his lawyers was turned down by officials, The Daily Tele -graph can disclose.

Two of Worboys’ victims are challengin­g the Parole Board decision to free the serial sex attacker after serving a minimum eight-year jail sentence.

The women raised the money to pay for their lawyers through an internet appeal for funds.

Sir Brian Leveson, the judge in the case, had urged authoritie­s to give Worboys legal aid to ensure he was properly represente­d at the judicial review next month.

But sources have confirmed that Worboys’ applicatio­n was turned down by the Legal Aid Agency because he still owns a flat in Poole in Dorset. The apartment’s value exceeds the assets allowed for people claiming legal aid.

One of the rape victims bringing the judicial review said she was delighted her attacker would not receive money.

She said: “Last week I thought: ‘We’re having to raise funds, why is he getting legal aid?’ It’s absolutely right he doesn’t get it. We’ve had to crowdfund to do this. Why should he get the public purse to pay if he has assets?

“When we took the civil claim against him it was claimed he had no assets. But he did have properties. He should start putting his hand in his pocket.”

It is not clear whether the case will proceed next month if Worboys does not have lawyers.

Dean Kingham, head of prison law at Swain & Co solicitors, had been due to represent Worboys but on condition legal aid was granted.

The firm could stay on the case if it offered to do the work free – or else strike a deal with Worboys that he raise the funds, possibly by selling the flat, valued at £300,000. The law firm declined to comment.

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