The Daily Telegraph

Trump seeks ban on rapid-fire weapon device

US president announces intention to outlaw ‘machine-gun’ converter in wake of latest massacre

- By Nick Allen in Washington

DONALD TRUMP last night moved to ban “bump stocks”, the devices that turn semi-automatic rifles into fully automatic weapons capable of firing hundreds of rounds a minute.

Bump stocks became widely known in the wake of the Las Vegas mass shooting in October, when gunman Stephen Paddock killed nearly 60 people and injured more than 500.

Paddock had 12 bump stocks, which he attached to his legal semi-automatic guns to dramatical­ly increase their rate of fire. The bump stocks could be bought legally for as little as $100.

Mr Trump, in a move seen by some as the strongest sign yet that the US president intends to tackle the nation’s mass shootings, announced his intention to ban them, just days after 17 people were shot at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Nikolas Cruz, 19, is suspected of carrying out the Florida shooting using an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, although not a bump stock.

Mr Trump said that, after the Las Vegas shooting, he had directed Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General, to clarify whether bump-stock devices like the one used by Paddock were illegal. That process began in December.

Speaking at the White House, during a ceremony for members of the emergency services, he said: “We can do more to protect our children. We must do more to protect our children.

“Just a few moments ago I signed a memorandum directing the Attorney General to propose regulation­s to ban all devices that turn legal weapons into machine-guns. I expect these critical regulation­s will be finalised very soon.

“The key in all these efforts is we cannot merely take actions that make us feel like we are making a difference. We must actually make a difference.” Mr Trump praised the student survivors of Parkland who have emerged in recent days as a powerful voice seeking gun control measures.

The president said: “In the aftermath of this evil massacre, our souls have been lifted by the stories of bravery. They have shown us the forces of love and courage are always stronger than the forces of evil and hate.”

White House officials said the president would be meeting with students, teachers and officials from Parkland to discuss ways of providing more school safety and addressing gun violence. Past efforts to address gun violence in the wake of US mass shootings have failed in Congress.

Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary, said people from Parkland would be coming to the White House today, along with some affected by past school shootings in Columbine, Colorado, and Newtown, Connecticu­t, for a listening session.

Students, parents and teachers will speak with the president about school safety and other issues.

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