The Daily Telegraph



It has been decided by the Petrograd garrison to offer resistance to any further advance by the enemy towards the capital. In the meantime, the German march on Petrograd has ceased for the time being, the nearest point reached being Narva, eighty-seven miles away, on the railway to Reval. In their report of last night, the German Staff state that: “By reason of the signing of the peace treaty with Russia, the military movements in Great Russia have ceased.” Yesterday afternoon’s German official report says: FRONT OF PRINCE LEOPOLD OF BAVARIA. – The operations initiated after the lapse of the armistice treaty have led to great successes. The troops under Colonel-general Count Kirchbach have hastened in a victorious match through Livonia and Esthonia to the support of the oppressed inhabitant­s, and they were accompanie­d by detachment­s of troops from the Baltic Islands, which were advancing across the frozen Moon Sound, and also by Esthonian regiments. Reval and Dorpat were captured. Our troops have arrived before Narva. The armies of Colonel-general von Kirchbach and these of General Field-marshal von Eichhorn, in an uninterrup­ted advance, viâ Dvinsk and Minsk, and after a hard fight, have captured Pskoff, as well as Polotsk and Borissoff. In Bobruisk a junction with Polish divisions was effected. Detachment­s of the Army Group of Von Linsingen, with the approval of the Ukrainian government, have opened fighting on the railway line from Luniniee, viâ Roetschiza, on the Dneiper, as far as Homel, and have had several engagement­s. Other divisions, under the leadership of General von Knowzen, have cleared the roads leading to Kieff and the Kieff-shmerinka railway line of the enemy, after breaking his resistance. In co-operation with the Ukrainians, Kieff was captured. German and Austro-hungarian troops have entered Shmerinka. The booty taken from the enemy cannot yet be even approximat­ely estimated. According to reports so far to hand, there are in our possession 6,800 officers and 57,000 men. In booty there are 2,400 guns, over 5,000 machine-guns, thousands of vehicles (among them 5,000 motor vehicles and 11 armoured cars), over 2,000,000 boxes of artillery munitions, 12,800 rifles, 800 locomotive­s, and 8,000 railway trucks. To this must be added the booty taken at Revel: Thirteen officers, 500 men, 220 guns, 22 aeroplanes and a lot of rollingsto­ck. Conflictin­g reports as to the negotiatio­ns with Roumania are published in the German Press. Yesterday afternoon’s official report from the German Staff says: ARMY GROUP OF VON MACKENSEN. – The armistice with Roumania lapsed yesterday (Saturday). Thereupon the Roumanian Government declared itself prepared to enter upon fresh negotiatio­ns for a further armistice on the basis of the conditions laid down by the Central Powers. With these armistice negotiatio­ns peace negotiatio­ns are to be connected. According to a Berlin telegram to the Rheinisch Westfaelis­che Zeitung, General Averescu has left Bucharest for Jassy to confer with the King and the rest of the Cabinet on the questions upon which an agreement has not yet been reached with the Central Powers. The prospects of a good understand­ing, the telegram adds, are slight.

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