The Daily Telegraph

The irresistib­le rise of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman



Aged 23, Mohammed bin Salman, or MBS, joins Saudi Arabia’s cabinet

January 2015:

MBS becomes Saudi Arabia’s defence minister

April 2015:

He becomes deputy crown prince, and is the driving force behind Saudi’s decision to intervene in neighbouri­ng Yemen’s civil war against the Houthi rebels

June 2017:

MBS seizes power in a palace coup

June 2017:

The prince breaks ties with Qatar over its alleged support of terrorism

Sept 26 2017:

Royal court announces women in Saudi Arabia will be allowed to drive from June 2018

Oct 24 2017:

MBS announces Vision 2030, his plan to reduce Saudi Arabia’s dependence on oil as well as liberalise the conservati­ve kingdom

Nov 4 2017:

Saad Hariri, Lebanese Prime Minister, resigns on television during a visit to Riyadh. Mr Hariri, who is supported by the House of Saud, is then understood to have been held against his will and unable to return to Beirut for a fortnight

Nov 4 2017:

Arrest of dozens of members of the royal family, businessme­n and ministers in an “anticorrup­tion sweep” which consolidat­es his power.

 ??  ?? The Crown Prince with Donald Trump and, right, meeting Russia’s Vladimir Putin
The Crown Prince with Donald Trump and, right, meeting Russia’s Vladimir Putin
 ??  ??

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