The Daily Telegraph

Wearing heavy make-up may not be foundation for leadership success, study suggests

- By Sarah Knapton SCIENCE EDITOR

WOMEN who aspire to be great leaders should put down the lipstick and go easy on the mascara, a study suggests.

Researcher­s at Abertay University, Dundee, asked participan­ts to view a series of computer-enhanced images of the same woman fresh-faced and then made up as if for a social night out.

They found that people judged heavily made-up women as having poorer leadership skills than those who had not used cosmetics.

Dr Christophe­r Watkins of Abertay’s Division of Psychology, said it was possible women with make-up were seen as more frivolous, even though previous research suggested it made women appear more dominant.

He said: “While the previous findings suggest that we are inclined to show some deference to a woman with a good-looking face, our research suggests that make-up does not enhance a woman’s dominance by benefiting how we evaluate her in a leadership role.”

The findings are in contrast to Harvard University research in 2016 which found that women who wore make-up were deemed more competent at their jobs and more likely to be promoted.

In 2013, a survey found that more than two thirds of British employers would be less likely to employ a female job applicant if she did not wear makeup to the job interview.

In the Abertay study each participan­t completed a face perception task where they judged 16 face-pairs, indicating how much better a leader they felt their chosen face to be compared to the other face. Both men and women evaluated women more negatively as a leader if the image suggested she was wearing a lot of make-up.

Previous studies have found that attractive people are more likely to be perceived as intelligen­t while 2016 research by the University of Chicago found that women at work who looked well-groomed earned significan­tly more than their less-preened peers.

The research was published in the journal Perception.

 ??  ?? Research found women in heavy make-up were perceived to be less effective leaders
Research found women in heavy make-up were perceived to be less effective leaders
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