The Daily Telegraph

Custody battle mother ‘killed son rather than risk losing him’

- By Daily Telegraph Reporter

A MOTHER murdered her seven-yearold son on the day of a custody hearing after saying she would rather he was dead than lose him, a court heard.

Lesley Speed, 44, is accused of killing Archie Spriggs on the same day she and Matthew Spriggs, her ex-partner, were due to attend a family court.

The schoolboy was found dead in his bed by Darren Jones, Speed’s partner, at their home in Church Stretton, Shropshire, on Sept 21 last year.

Speed was also found bleeding with knife wounds. She was taken to hospital and later charged with murder.

Birmingham Crown Court heard that she wrote in letters found at her home that she “would rather that Archie be dead than see him leave with his father”.

Opening the case, Sally Howes QC said: “September 21 was the day of the family court hearing that she so dreaded. She had not prepared herself for that hearing and feared that the proceeding­s would result in Archie being taken away from her.”

The court heard Speed had been diagnosed with depression in 1998 and 2014. The prosecutor said: “You might have heard of the legal expression diminished responsibi­lity. This is not a complete defence to a charge of murder, but if the criteria is met, it is a particular defence which reduces to an offence of manslaught­er.

“You are aware of Lesley Speed’s defence that she was not responsibl­e for the death of Archie. Her case is that Archie hanged himself and took his own life.

“But if you are sure that she did murder Archie, you are asked to consider the experts’ opinions, which is that at the time of the killing she was suffering from a mental abnormalit­y, caused by severe episode of depression with psychotic symptoms, that is a recognised medical condition.”

The trial continues.

 ??  ?? Lesley Speed is accused of killing Archie Spriggs on the day of his custody hearing
Lesley Speed is accused of killing Archie Spriggs on the day of his custody hearing
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