The Daily Telegraph

Measles alert issued after holidaymak­ers pick up virus


A MEASLES health alert has been issued after unvaccinat­ed holidaymak­ers returning from Europe prompted a sharp increase in cases.

Public Health England has urged people to protect themselves from the viral illness after more than 250 cases were reported since the start of the year. A further 90 laboratory tests are under way, meaning the number may be higher. Last year, 243 cases were reported.

Health officials suspect the rise has been caused by holidaymak­ers returning from the Continent where there has

‘Those who have not received two doses of the vaccine in the past – or who are unsure – should speak to their GP’

been a large outbreak of measles.

Dr Yvonne Doyle, London regional director for Public Health England, said: “We are seeing a concerning increase in measles cases across London, which could lead to a wider outbreak in unvaccinat­ed children and adults. Those who have not received two doses of the vaccine in the past – or who are unsure – should speak to their GP. There’s no harm in receiving an additional dose where there is uncertaint­y.

“It’s crucial pregnant women have been vaccinated with MMR, as rubella in particular can cause serious complicati­ons during pregnancy.”

Measles usually starts with cold-like symptoms, fever and red, sensitive eyes. It can spread easily and can be caught by breathing in droplets from an infected person when they cough or sneeze. Complicati­ons can include deafness, blindness and swelling of the brain, leading to brain damage, and in more rare cases, a progresssi­ve disorder.

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