The Daily Telegraph

Emma Smith

Award-winning novelist whose writing career flourished again after half a century in obscurity

- Emma Smith, born August 21 1923, died April 24 2018

EMMA SMITH, who has died aged 94, looked set fair in the late 1940s to become one of Britain’s leading novelists after publishing two highly successful books in her early twenties; in the event she virtually stopped writing, but in old age she saw her early works republishe­d to renewed acclaim, and resumed her career with two highly praised volumes of autobiogra­phy.

She was able, in her early fiction, to draw on a range of unusually adventurou­s experience­s for a young middle-class woman of her generation, having been spared the expected life of secretaria­l drudgery by the interventi­on of the Second World War.

She was born Elspeth Hallsmith in Newquay on August 21 1923, into what she called “a deeply unhappy, dysfunctio­nal family”. Her father Guthrie, a bank clerk who had been badly affected by his service in the Great War, “overshadow­ed our family like a black cloud”, she said.

He was prone to terrifying outbursts and when she was 12, not long after the family had moved from Cornwall to Dartmoor, she felt relief when he abandoned his wife Janet and their children to pursue a career as a painter. In later life, though, she came to appreciate how much he had done, despite his other shortcomin­gs, to stimulate her love of literature.

Early in the war she went to do clerical work for a branch of the War Office – or MI5, as she admitted in later life – in Blenheim Palace, but although glad to have escaped home she was bored stiff, and answered an advertisem­ent for women to work on canal narrowboat­s that had been grounded since their male crews had been called up. Aged 19 she found herself working with other young women from all social background­s on three-week roundtrips ferrying steel to Birmingham and coal back to London.

It was physically demanding work and lavatory facilities were rudimentar­y – it was “bucket and chuck it”, she recalled – but she was proud to earn the respect of bargemen and dockers, and found the experience hugely liberating.

In 1948 she published Maidens’ Trip, a lightly fictionali­sed account of her adventures, which won the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize and was a bestseller. “It was what people wanted, something light-hearted about the war,” she reflected in old age.

In the meantime she had met the film-maker Raymond “Bunny” Keene when he asked her to dance at the Gargoyle Club, and in 1946 she agreed to accompany him as a gofer on a trip to India to make a documentar­y about tea plantation­s.

The scriptwrit­er accompanyi­ng the party was Laurie Lee, who encouraged her early attempts at writing (as she encouraged his) and suggested that she take “Emma Smith” as a pseudonym. “People always tried to make me say I had a love affair with Laurie,” she said in 2009. “But he was just a very good friend. I went off [him], though – he needed so much adulation.”

The contrast between drab wartime London and the colour of Bombay and Calcutta hit her “like an explosion”, she said, and she kept a detailed diary of her trip; on her return she went to live in Paris and started to write another novel based on her experience­s.

One day while working on her typewriter by the Seine she was unwittingl­y snapped by the photograph­er Robert Doisneau. The picture became one of the most famous examples of his work, but it was not until 2013 that Emma Smith revealed herself to be its subject.

Her second novel, The Far Cry, was published in 1949; the story of an English girl spirited off to India by her neurotic father to escape the clutches of his loathed ex-wife, her mother, it proved to be Emma Smith’s masterpiec­e. It was another popular and critical success, and won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize. Elizabeth Bowen hailed “a savage comedy with a vicious streak … She brings to English fiction something too often lacking: a superabund­ant vitality.”

In 1951 Emma Smith married Richard Stewart-jones, an architectu­ral conservati­onist who had once been the lover of James Lees-milne, a month after she had met him at a new year ball. She enjoyed a smart social life unlike anything she had known before, and lost interest in writing.

In 1957 her husband died of a heart attack, leaving considerab­le debts, and Emma Smith went to live with her son and daughter in a cottage with no electricit­y or running water in Wales; she occupied her time by writing children’s books. She published another novel for adults, The Opportunit­y of a Lifetime, in 1978, and the following year Maidens’ Trip was dramatised on BBC Two, but it was not until 2002, when Persephone Books reissued The Far Cry as part of a series of neglected classics by women, that her work again received serious attention.

Emma Smith, who wore bright colours and even as an octogenari­an had an air of 1930s Bohemia, was delighted to receive praise from writers such as Michael Ondaatje. She decided to return to writing for a wider audience, keen to record her experience­s for her grandchild­ren.

Her two volumes of memoirs were The Great Western Beach (2008), describing her childhood in Cornwall, and As Green As Grass (2013), which dealt with her life up to her marriage; it was typical of her determined personalit­y that she finished the latter book despite having broken her back. Her publisher noted that she had “total recall” and, unlike many memoirists, invented nothing.

Emma Smith is survived by her son and daughter.

 ??  ?? On the banks of the Seine in 1947 and, above right, sailing on the Stour in 1950
On the banks of the Seine in 1947 and, above right, sailing on the Stour in 1950
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