The Daily Telegraph

Campbell scolded by daughter live on air


ALASTAIR CAMPBELL was given a dressing down live on radio by his daughter over his feminism credential­s, as she told him to stop calling women “birds”.

The former Labour spin doctor, who was standing in for Nigel Farage on LBC, was debating feminism when his daughter Grace called in to query some of his behaviour towards women.

Miss Campbell, 24, told her father that he needed to “unpick” certain behaviours in order to “truly be a feminist”. She said: “You still call women birds, which I think you don’t even think about the impact that has.

“If you truly want to be a feminist, women aren’t birds, birds are birds, they fly, women can’t fly. You call women women, you don’t call them birds.” Mr Campbell responded by saying he did not remember using the term, but pledged not to do so again.

Miss Campbell then went on to criticise her father for not doing jobs around the house. She said: “I’ve noticed what you do, which a lot of men do, they make up the excuses of ‘I can’t’.

“Instead of saying you can’t, just learn how to.”

Mr Campbell, 61, said he was “very impractica­l”, adding: “Anything else you want to tell your dad off for?”

His daughter ended by telling him that he needed to feel more comfortabl­e talking about periods. She said: “If you really want to be a feminist you need to be able to talk about periods. Periods are a natural thing.”

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