The Daily Telegraph

Ascot: how the races got racy

Has the sport of kings gone to the dogs? Matthew Bell runs down this year’s social runners and riders


‘Aday at the races” used to be such an elegant phrase. It described a world in which wellmanner­ed gentlefolk in their smartest finery took a day out of life in the pursuit of pleasure. Now you might as well say you’ve gone to the dogs, for all the glamour it conveys.

Proof of this comes ahead of Royal Ascot, where sniffer dogs and breathalys­ers are to be deployed for the first time during next week’s five-day meeting. Even the Queen is not exempt, as a spokesman for the course says the rules apply to all tiers of ticket, even the Royal Enclosure.

The idea is to clamp down on unruly behaviour, which has become something of a distractio­n in recent years. It is now quite normal for punters to drink their weight in champagne (50,000 bottles will be consumed next week), often popping their first cork on the morning train from London Waterloo. Since the first race does not begin until 2.30pm, who can blame them for seeking entertainm­ent elsewhere?

The trouble is that, whereas organisers used to make an effort to maintain high standards of behaviour – for example, by imposing elaborate dress codes – today, their focus now is firmly on bums on seats – or, rather, glasses in hand. The more the punters guzzle, the bigger the profit. In recent years, to alleviate queuing at bars, waiters have been sent into the crowds with barrels of beer strapped to their backs, to provide refills from a hosepipe. Handy at a rock festival, but not quite what you expect from the sport of kings.

Now, after years of downward drift, it looks like Royal Ascot has reached peak prole. Organisers have woken up to the fact that part of the attraction is the feeling of experienci­ng something exclusive, not just standing in a field getting Michael Fished.

This year, promoters have banned the wandering beer barrels and, upon arrival, will breathalys­e anyone who appears drunk. Not that they want to seem elitist, they insist; it’s just that it might be nicer if the atmosphere didn’t resemble full-time at Millwall vs West Ham.

All of which suggests Ascot is heading back to what it should be – a good day out that’s improved by booze. Because even the grandest racegoers like a drink or four. The difference is they usually round off a heavy lunch with a cognac, not a fight with a broken chair-leg. But that’s what makes racing so fascinatin­g – that it brings together so many different tribes of people.

Here, then, ahead of Royal Ascot 2018, is a brief spotters’ guide to the social runners and riders.

The weekend gambler

Graham doesn’t know why he goes to Ascot any more, since it’s much easier to place his bets online, or at a bookies in Dorking, if he’s feeling sociable. But there’s something about the tradition he likes, that feeling of being proud to be English. Anyway, it’s an excuse to fire up the Jag, and Marjorie likes to dress up. They’ve been going to Ascot every year since 1975, when Lester Piggott won his first Gold Cup on Sagaro, the first of a hat-trick of wins. Those were the days. The food wasn’t up to much, and the Pettifers from next door always went on about how they’d got into the Royal Enclosure and nearly met Princess Anne. La-di-da! This year, Graham’s got tickets to the Windsor Enclosure, which as far as he’s concerned (and for the amount of money he’s paying) is perfectly royal enough.

How to spot them: By the whiff of their Hamlet cigars

Most likely to: Bring a coolbox and fold-out chairs Trad Ascot rating: 5

The nine-to-five day-tripper

Chardonnay had never been to the races before winning the office sweepstake on the Grand National, and thought Ladies’ Day might be a bit of a giggle. She and the girls booked the time off weeks ago, and have made a day of it, having their hair and nails done before getting the 10.05 from London Waterloo. They stopped off at Marks to pick up some sausage rolls and pink prosecco for the picnic, and Chardonnay was already feeling tipsy by the time they arrived. Now she’s just won fifty quid on the Norfolk Stakes, so she’s celebratin­g with a round of vodka shots. And it’s only three o’clock! Better book tomorrow off work at this rate…

How to spot them: Look for the pink £10 fascinator­s from Monsoon

Most likely to: Be found snogging a waiter in the Portaloo

Trad Ascot rating: 3

The billionair­e sheikh

Sheikh Mohammed Al-maktar Mowgalowny of the Most Royal Sultanate of More-kash was given his first stallion for his 16th birthday. Ever since, he has poured most of his country’s wealth into buying up the finest thoroughbr­ed racehorses (and a few knackered old nags), thanks to the advice of his trusted equine adviser, Rupert Slimey-swindler (see below). It is of no consequenc­e to him that his love of this noble sport has brought him into contact with the Queen – he is just happy to have found a kindred spirit. This year, he will be presenting the Sultan’s Cup, for which honour he donated £5million to the Sozzled Jockeys’ Fund – a cause he is not familiar with, but which his advisers assure him was always very close to the Queen Mother’s heart. How to spot them: Arriving by gold-plated helicopter

Most likely to: Buy the winning horse Trad Ascot rating: 4

The loudmouth lad

Dean and his mates aren’t into horses and all that posh stuff, but Dale down the pub said you didn’t have to know one end of a donkey from the other to have a laugh at Ascot. So they knocked off the building site early and each downed a four-pack of Stellas before heading to the paddock bar. They were having a right old laugh until some t----- knocked Jayden’s pint, and the next thing you know he’s smashed a chair over his head and then Dean’s giving it some. It was carnage! Definitely coming back next year. How to spot them: The Three Lions tattoo covering half their head Most likely to: Risk arrest for a breach of the peace

Trad Ascot rating: 1 (though, increasing­ly, a 5)

The bloodstock agent

Everyone agreed it was a miracle that Rupert Slimey-swindler left Bradfield with even a single O-level, but who said you need brains to make money? As respected bloodstock agent to the Arab world, Rupert regularly fires off invoices for north of a million pounds, and the clients don’t even ask what it’s for! This year, he’s got 10 horses running, an all-time record, but he can’t celebrate yet. There are several potential clients to schmooze first, including a new Uzbeki arms dealer and some bird whose dad’s a lord. What Rupert realised early on was that all these people want is an air of respectabi­lity and someone to tell them what to do. And he’s never been afraid to blather on. His biggest outlay is loud tweed suits, and a few low-paid number-crunchers who analyse the betting odds for him. After that, he’s laughing all the way to Coutts! How to spot them: By the battered

brown trilby Most likely to: Photobomb the Queen Trad Ascot rating: 5

 ??  ?? Peak prole: the nine-to-five day-trippers, top; the loudmouth lad, above right; the weekend gambler, below right
Peak prole: the nine-to-five day-trippers, top; the loudmouth lad, above right; the weekend gambler, below right
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