The Daily Telegraph

On manoeuvres: the contenders shaping up for battle should May fall on her sword


AT LEAST four members of Theresa May’s Cabinet are “on manoeuvres” and are actively preparing the ground for leadership campaigns if she is forced to quit, Tory MPS have said.

Michael Gove, Sajid Javid, Jeremy Hunt and Gavin Williamson are all said to have held recent discussion­s with colleagues, seen as an attempt to build alliances. It comes amid mounting speculatio­n that Mrs May will be forced to step down if she fails to broker a truce over Brexit this weekend.

Michael Gove

The Environmen­t Secretary has placed himself at the heart of the Government’s domestic agenda with his war on single-use plastics.

He has made a series of wide-ranging speeches at think tanks, including one in which he declared war on “crony capitalist­s” who have “rigged the system” in their favour.

He also appeared at the launch of the Onward think tank alongside Ruth Davidson, the Scottish Conservati­ves leader, sparking suggestion­s of an alliance in a future leadership bid.

Sajid Javid

Since his appointmen­t as Home Secretary, Mr Javid has clashed with the Prime Minister over her hardline stance on migration. He has already won a significan­t concession which will see thousands more visas issued to foreign doctors and nurses.

A Cabinet source told The Sunday Times he has been inviting middlerank­ing ministers from other department­s for hour-long conversati­ons.

Jeremy Hunt

Having fended off a bid by Mrs May to move him on as Health Secretary, Mr Hunt has establishe­d himself as a firm Euroscepti­c despite having backed Remain during the EU referendum.

He recently criticised Airbus after it said it threatened to pull investment from Britain and is seen by some as a compromise candidate, and is said to have taken to inviting colleagues for meetings in Portcullis House.

Gavin Williamson

The Defence Secretary has been locked in an extraordin­ary row with the Prime Minister over defence funding, and has been accused of telling officials that he could bring her down.

The former Chief Whip is said to visit the tea rooms every morning, where he has been seen meeting with Euroscepti­cs MPS. Like Jeremy Hunt, Mr Williamson has become a keen Brexiteer. It comes amid suggestion­s that defence chiefs and ministers plan to enlist the support of the Royal family to secure more defence funding.

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