The Daily Telegraph

Theresa May has approached Brexit as a Remainer attached to the EU


SIR – Theresa May’s Brexit vision is not the Brexit vision of anyone I know who voted for the United Kingdom to leave the EU. Her Brexit vision is that of a Remainer who says that they accept the result of the referendum but want a deal that they think we will let them get away with, which will still keep us firmly attached to the EU.

Those who voted for Brexit want a deal in which “Brexit means Brexit”, as someone once put it. Dr Malcolm Greenhalgh

Lowton, Lancashire

SIR – Only a brainless, timid British government could throw away £39 billion to switch to a position virtually identical to the one it already had.

That, however, seems Theresa May’s second ludicrous decision. The first, of course, was calling a general election, thereby putting the Government in a weaker position than it was originally. Ian Barratt

Maldon, Essex SIR – I congratula­te The Daily Telegraph on its choice of front-page photo (July 6), showing Theresa May smiling beside the German Chancellor.

The British Prime Minister had to go to Berlin, not Brussels, to get approval for her plans for Brexit. A R Butler

Thorpe Bay, Essex

SIR – You have to hand it to our Remain-supporting deep state. Between them they have quite brilliantl­y managed to misreprese­nt and re-cast as “the awkward squad”, “the ultras” or “the headbanger­s” those Cabinet ministers and MPS who were merely trying to deliver the kind of positive Brexit that the electorate clearly voted for, and to which the Conservati­ve manifesto was actually committed, which is to say, as Liam Halligan put it (Comment, July 6), a clean, unambiguou­s Brexit.

But it looks like these principled politician­s – and we the electorate – have lost. Nigel Henson

Farningham, Kent SIR – Just over two years ago, the people, by a sizeable majority, instructed the Government to leave the EU.

Since then, the Government and specifical­ly Mrs May, has vacillated, debated, compromise­d and generally done everything in her power to appease the behemoth that is the EU and, apparently, totally ignored her democratic duty, which is to make a clean break from that organisati­on.

Only then will the UK regain control of its borders and laws, and benefit from more equitable trading relationsh­ips with the whole world.

The country will never forgive Mrs May and her Cabinet if they ignore their democratic duty and the will of the people, which is clearly to get us out of the EU lock, stock and barrel. Richard Muse

Melksham, Wiltshire

SIR – Did Mrs May end up saying: “Brexit means remain?” Mark Solon

London E1

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