The Daily Telegraph

More children than ever are severely obese

- By Laura Donnelly HEALTH EDITOR

Ten times more children are severely obese now compared with 30 years ago, official figures show. Data from Public Health England show record numbers of children are classed as severely obese by the time they leave primary school. In just 10 years, the percentage of 11-year-olds with extreme weight problems has risen by more than a fifth, the analysis shows. In total, 4.1 per cent of the age group are now classed as “severely obese”, compared with just 0.4 per cent in 1990.

TEN times more children are severely obese now compared with 30 years ago, official figures show.

Data from Public Health England (PHE) show record numbers of children are classed as severely obese by the time they leave primary school.

In just 10 years, the percentage of 11-year-olds with extreme weight problems has risen by more than a fifth, the analysis shows.

Over three decades, the trend is even more stark. In total, 4.1 per cent of such children are now classed as “severely obese”, compared with just 0.4 per cent in 1990. Officials said the trend was “extremely worrying” and showed the need for bold action to tackle the threat to children’s health.

Overall, one in 10 children are classed as obese by the time they start primary school, rising to one in five by the time they leave.

Boys are the most likely to carry such extreme weight problems, with 4.78 per cent classed as severely obese by the time they leave primary school, compared with 3.33 per cent of girls.

Children are deemed severely obese if they are above the 99.6th percentile on growth charts from 1990, which were based on typical measuremen­ts at the time.

Today, 22,000 children in Year 6 at school are in this category, the new statistics show. Last month ministers announced an updated childhood obesity plan including proposals to ban advertisin­g of unhealthy foods on television before the 9pm watershed, and two-for-one deals on such foods. Mandatory calorie labelling on menus is also planned, while a sugar tax may be extended to cover milky drinks.

Dr Alison Tedstone, PHE chief nutritioni­st said: “The rise in obesity and widening health inequaliti­es highlight why bold measures are needed to tackle this threat to children’s health. These trends are extremely worrying and have been decades in the making – reversing them will not happen overnight.”

Professor Jonathan Valabhji, national clinical director for obesity and diabetes at NHS England said: “The growing obesity epidemic poses problems for the NHS but is also extremely worrying for the nation’s overall health. Obesity in childhood paves the way to obesity in adulthood, and overweight or obese people are at greater risk of illnesses.”

He said the NHS needed to build on current work, including the sugar tax and programmes to encourage weight loss and prevent diabetes.

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