The Daily Telegraph

Waitrose runs up the flag on Cornish cheese packaging

- By Francesca Marshall

THE Cornish are always keen to celebrate their rich heritage and are proud to fly the county’s distinct black and white flag.

So when Waitrose began stocking a Cornish cheese with the flag of St George on its packaging it was only a matter of time before there were complaints.

Locals demanded the wrapper be changed and Waitrose has now finally confirmed it will start putting the St Piran flag on Cornish Yarg – a semi-hard cheese covered with nettles.

Originally the supermarke­t argued that “the use of national flags was introduced to help our customers quickly identify Uk-produced cheese”.

But after Cornish News launched an online campaign insisting that the Cornish ensign was a national flag and Waitrose would therefore “have the approval of the Cornish people in using it to promote Cornish products”, the store relented.

“Following the feedback from our customers, we’re going to change the St George flag to a St Piran on the two Cornish Yarg lines. We are hoping this will be completed within the next month,” a spokesman for the store said.

Catherine Mead, director of the Cornish cheese producer Lynher Dairies, which is a supplier to Waitrose, has welcomed the decision.

“I’m very happy,” she said. “I think the simple ID of the flag really reinforces to customers the source of their produce which is incredibly important to us. It’s very nice of Waitrose to make this change and shows respect for our provence.”

Responding to the announceme­nt, Cornish News added: “Thank you Waitrose for listening and responding. It is appreciate­d. Splan! (Splendid!)”

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