The Daily Telegraph

Slaughtere­d pigs now outnumber Spaniards

Pork export boom to China triggers environmen­tal concerns with 50million animals killed every year

- By James Badcock in Madrid

THE number of pigs slaughtere­d in Spain each year outnumbers the country’s population, new figures show, as the government pledges to crack down on the growing environmen­tal threat from the meat industry. According to a 2017 government report, the number of pigs killed in Spain topped 50million for the first time, with the Spanish population currently numbering 46.5 million.

A boom in pork exports, particular­ly to meet China’s insatiable appetite for the meat, has led to a massive increase in factory-farmed pigs in Spain, with around 30 million animals being fattened at any one time in a sector worth €6billion (£5.4billion) in 2017.

Total production of pork meat has grown by 20 per cent in the past five years to reach 4.3million metric tons, of which only around a quarter is consumed on plates up and down Spain, where the average personal consumptio­n of pork is 21 kilos per year.

The boom in livestock farming means agricultur­e is now the fourthlarg­est producer of carbon emissions, with 10 per cent of the national total, exceeded only by transport, electricit­y generation and industry.

Spain’s environmen­t ministry announced last month that it was planning new controls on pig farming to improve “hygiene, animal health and welfare and the environmen­t”, noting that livestock farming is responsibl­e for two-thirds of total emissions from the agricultur­al sector.

Pedro Sánchez, the prime minister, has made the environmen­t a priority policy area since taking office in June, setting up a ministry of environmen­t separate from the previous joint portfolio along with agricultur­e.

Mr Sánchez named Teresa Ribera, a climate change expert, as “minister for ecological transition in Spain”.

Environmen­talists warn of serious damage if factory farming is allowed to grow further. “We’ve moved to an industrial and intensive model with grave consequenc­es for water resources and the atmosphere,” Dani González from Ecologists in Action told the Spanish news outlet Público.

The campaign group is demanding a moratorium on new pig farms, but says that regional authoritie­s compete to attract more of the businesses to keep jobs in rural areas.

One pig will consume 15 litres of water a day, meaning the industry uses more water than the cities of Seville, Alicante and Zaragoza combined. Nitrates from animal waste are also beginning to contaminat­e groundwate­r, environmen­talists say. More than 84 million cubic metres of liquid manure runs out of pig factory farms each year, accumulati­ng in slurry pits.

Under the previous government, 33 plants that had been generating electricit­y from the gas in pig biomass were closed after renewable energy subsidies were slashed.

Various police stings this year have seen hundreds of thousands of ham and pork products seized for being kept in poor condition prior to commercial distributi­on.

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