The Daily Telegraph

One in three Jews may quit UK if Corbyn becomes PM

- By Harry Yorke Political correspond­ent

MORE than one in three British Jews would consider emigrating if Jeremy Corbyn were to be elected prime minister, says a poll amid the backlash over Labour’s anti-semitism crisis.

A survey into Jewish attitudes towards the Labour leader found that 38 per cent of people would “seriously consider emigrating”. The poll, conducted by Survation on behalf of the Jewish Chronicle, appears to underscore claims made by Lord Sacks, the former chief rabbi, who has warned that Mr Corbyn’s approach to the Jewish community had left many questionin­g their future in Britain.

Jonathan Goldstein, the chairman of the Jewish Leadership Council, said last night: “If members of our community would even consider leaving Britain because they feel threatened by the prospect of our potential next prime minister, this should worry everyone.”

It came as Mr Corbyn faced further embarrassm­ent last night when the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan yet again praised him for attacking Israel and exposing the “huge amount of influence” that Zionists have over politician­s, the media and government.

David Duke, defending the Labour leader in a special edition of his radio show, called the “Zio Crucifixio­n of Corbyn”, said that while he disagreed with Mr Corbyn on immigratio­n, “of course he is right ... on the issue of Israel”.

Separately, Labour is facing allegation­s that it is sitting on a “folder” containing more than 200 complaints made against Mr Corbyn in relation to anti-semitism. According to The Times, a well-placed source said that the party had received 50 in relation to Mr Corbyn’s claim that some “Zionists” who had lived in the UK “all their lives” lacked an English sense of irony.

However, a Labour source told The Daily Telegraph they did not recognise the figure, adding that those that had been made had not met the threshold for investigat­ion.

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