The Daily Telegraph

Giant praying mantis finds new prey – fishing for guppies


 A praying mantis has been seen fishing for the first time, as scientists observed the creature eating guppies.

To reach its prey, the insect would walk on the leaves of water lilies and water cabbage growing on the surface of a pond in India before fishing the guppies out.

Typically, the insects feast on small birds and other insects, but it has never been found preying on fish.

Scientists described in the Journal of Orthoptera Research watching an adult male hunting in a pond in a private roof garden in Karnataka for five days in a row – catching nine fish in all. Dr Roberto Battiston, of the Museum of Brenta Canal, Valstagna, Italy, said the creature was a male more than two inches long and instantly recognisab­le by its white antennae.

He and his colleagues identified it as a species called Hierodula tenuidenta­ta Saussure, more popularly known as the giant rainforest mantis.

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