The Daily Telegraph

Film choice


Sink the Bismarck! (1960, b/w)

FILM4, 4.35PM ★★★★

 Kenneth More stars as Captain Jonathan Shepard, the strategist whose job it is to implement Winston Churchill’s simple order: “Sink the Bismarck!” But outwitting Hitler’s most powerful ship is no easy task, especially when the demonic Admiral Lutjens (Karel Stepanek) is your foe. At times almost a documentar­y, the film blends real archive footage with special effects to make this a war movie par excellence. Sleeping With the Enemy (1991)


 This is Fatal Attraction with a twist – here it’s a bloke who’s the obsessive crank, but that doesn’t stop it feeling a bit cheap. Patrick Bergin demands what he wants, when he wants it from wife Julia Roberts, and beats her up if she doesn’t deliver. Driven to stage her own death, Roberts begins life anew in Iowa but Bergin is soon back on her trail and more monstrous than ever. Although Roberts tries, the execution of the premise leaves it feeling cheap. Rocky II (1979)

ITV4, 11.00PM ★★★

 Sylvester Stallone directed the first sequel to the 1976 breakout hit that made him a star. It chronicles unlikely boxing champion Rocky’s demise after a brief period of fame. It suffered classic sequel fever; critics complained about its predictabl­e storyline, and felt that it did not live up to its predecesso­r. While the film featured a great final fight scene, the work as a whole is a cruder piece of film-making, but it is still highly enjoyable.

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