The Daily Telegraph

Always-on internet is fuelling ‘cyberchond­ria’ and shopping disorders

- By Sarah Knapton SCIENCE EDITOR

THE internet is fuelling a range of mental health disorders including “cyberchond­ria”, online hoarding and shopping addictions, an influentia­l group of experts warn today as they call for urgent action to tackle the growing problem.

An internatio­nal team of more than 100 researcher­s say the “all-pervasive” nature of the web is driving problemati­c pornograph­y use, gambling and excessive gaming which is breaking up families and causing people to lose their jobs.

In the report, published in the journal European Neurophsyc­hopharmaco­logy, the researcher­s warn that users were becoming addicted to the internet and developing obsessive behaviours such as repeatedly checking emails and social media and suffering cravings and withdrawal if they were unable to get online.

They call for urgent research to find out how many people were affected by Problemati­c Internet Use (PIU) and discover the long-term impact so that regulation­s could be implemente­d and screen time guidelines drawn up.

Prof Naomi Fineberg, NHS consultant psychiatri­st and chairman of the European Problemati­c Use of the Internet Research Network, says: “We are at a sort of watershed, starting to understand there is a problem. There are known harms, that include the developmen­t of mental disorders.

“We think that young people are particular­ly affected because disruption to their life at that very crucial stage in childhood may have a longterm impact.

“Ultimately, we hope to be able to identify those most at risk from the internet before the problem takes hold, and to develop effective interventi­ons that reduce its harms.” The researcher­s say PIU is not just confined to young people but affects the whole of society, with women particular­ly at risk of online shopping addictions.

“Cyberchond­ria”, excessive online searching for health informatio­n, was also a growing issue, the report warned, as well as digital hoarding, where people felt compelled to buy new computers or disc drives because they were unable to delete their content. Psychiatri­sts said that some addicted gamers were playing for up to 14 hours a day, putting their relationsh­ips at risk, and even forgetting to eat.

The World Health Organisati­on has recognised PIU since 2014, and it is about to include the new diagnosis of Gaming Disorder in the forthcomin­g revised Internatio­nal Classifica­tion of Mental Disorders.

Prof Zsolt Demetrovic­s, editor-inchief of the Journal of Behavioral Addictions, says: “Many behaviours existed already, but with the internet they got a new form.”

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