The Daily Telegraph

Drug-resistant infections must be a priority, say MPS


TACKLING antimicrob­ial resistance (AMR) needs to become a top-five policy priority for the Government in order to help prevent the virtual loss of modern medicine, MPS have said.

A report by the health and social care committee said it wants to see “tangible progress” over the next six months to “reverse the worrying exodus” from research into AMR.

Antimicrob­ial-resistant infections claim at least 50,000 lives each year in Europe and the United States, and 700,000 lives globally.

These figures are expected to rise dramatical­ly over the next 30 years, with the death toll estimated to be 10million deaths per year by 2050 – higher than the number of deaths from cancer and diabetes combined.

No new classes of antibiotic­s have been developed for decades. Drug companies do not see them as profitable, because new antibiotic­s are only initially prescribed very sparingly rather than as a first-line treatment during their patent lives. The report says that, while in developed health systems it is possible to access alternativ­e second- or third-line treatments when patients develop a resistant infection, mortality rates and costs of treatment are likely to be approximat­ely double for a drug-resistant infection, generating an estimated cost to the NHS of £180million a year.

It said options to address the market failure include changes to patent law and to the ways that pharmaceut­ical companies are reimbursed for new antimicrob­ial medicines.

In primary care, there has been a 13 per cent reduction in the number of prescripti­ons for antibiotic­s in the past five years, but there has been less progress in secondary care.

Prescribin­g levels in Britain are still around double that of the Netherland­s, Sweden and the Baltic states. The report said a reduction in clinically unnecessar­y secondary care prescribin­g is clearly needed and that digital health tools can dramatical­ly help to reduce the threat of antimicrob­ial resistance.

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