The Daily Telegraph

Sick as a dog

The common health problems of some of Britain’s most popular breeds


Shih tzu

Spinal disc disease Respirator­y problems Obesity

German shepherd

Elbow and hips dysplasia Blood disorders Digestive problems Chronic eczema Spinal paralysis

Golden retriever

Von Willebrand disease (a blood disorder that can prolong bleeding from simple injuries)

Heart problems

Hip dysplasia

Skin allergies

Pugs, bulldogs, French bulldogs

(brachyceph­alic or flat-faced dogs) 50 per cent of these breeds have significan­t breathing problems, according to the Kennel Club, and only between

7 and 15 per cent breathe like non-brachyceph­alic dogs. Other problems include:

Cherry eye Conjunctiv­itis


Heart problems

Chocolate labrador

Ear conditions Acute moist dermatitis Obesity

Joint issues


Hyperthyro­idism Demodectic mange (a skin condition that occurs when the immune system cannot regulate the number mites living in the skin)

Cryptorchi­dism (undescende­d testicles)



Diabetes Urinary stones Eye conditions Heart conditions


Conditions arising from overbreedi­ng include cardiomyop­athy (abnormal heart rhythm which can cause unconsciou­sness) Epilepsy


Hip dysplasia

Deafness (especially in white boxers)


Cataracts Severe skin diseases Hip dysplasia Eye problems, such as runny eyes and progressiv­e retinal atrophy

They are also more susceptibl­e to bloating

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