The Daily Telegraph

An election before Christmas? It’s unlikely

Getting rid of Theresa May would not resolve the problem. The Tories know this, despite their rebellion

- read more at opinion vernon bogdanor

Could there be another general election by Christmas, the third in three years? Theresa May is under challenge: in recent days, even moderate Conservati­ves have joined hardline Brexiteers in opposing her. More than 40 MPS are reported to have sent letters of no confidence demanding a leadership contest, there is talk of a coup and she has been summoned by the 1922 Committee to defend her Brexit policy. Brexiteers threaten to topple the Government if the Brussels deal is insufficie­ntly “hard”, while the DUP could vote down next week’s Budget if they believe there will be a new regulatory border in the Irish Sea. Labour will oppose the deal whatever it is – Keir Starmer’s six tests have been expressly devised so that no government could ever meet them. The Lib Dems and SNP will vote against any deal because they seek a second referendum. Government whips themselves are apparently threatenin­g an election if the Government is defeated.

An election, however, is unlikely. The rules for dissolving Parliament have entirely changed following the Fixed Term Parliament­s Act of 2011, enacted by the coalition, which limits the power of the Prime Minister to call an election, and the power of rebellious back-benchers to secure a dissolutio­n. Under that Act, there are only two ways in which Parliament can be dissolved before the end of its term in 2022.

The first is if two thirds of MPS vote for it, as occurred in 2017. But despite talk of a coup Tory MPS are in reality unlikely to repeat that experiment. In 2017, they were 20 per cent ahead of Labour in the polls, but lost their overall majority. They are now just 2 per cent ahead. Another snap election would be a colossal risk.

The second way of securing an early dissolutio­n is if the Government were to be defeated in a vote of confidence tabled either by the Government or the Opposition, and no alternativ­e government could be formed within 14 days. If this were to happen, an alternativ­e administra­tion could only be formed by a Conservati­ve, but if, as is likely given the current divisions in the party, there were more than one candidate, a new leader could hardly be chosen by the party members within 14 days. There would then be a general election, but rebel Tories would face the fury of their constituen­cy associatio­ns for bringing their own government down.

As for the DUP, it is committed by its 2017 agreement with the Government to support it in confidence votes, the budget, and on “legislatio­n pertaining to the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union”. The agreement is for the whole of the Parliament and can be reviewed only with “the mutual consent of both parties”. The DUP has already benefited from £1billion of public money for Northern Ireland, some of which has already been spent. While the agreement is not legally enforceabl­e, the DUP would lose all credibilit­y were it to break it, particular­ly if this led to the premiershi­p of a former IRA sympathise­r, Jeremy Corbyn. In any case, the deal could not, in reality, threaten the Union, which is guaranteed in the 1998 Belfast Agreement, and can be altered only by majority consent in a referendum – but, as part of the Union, Northern Ireland cannot enjoy a veto on UK legislatio­n affecting the province.

If defeated on the budget or the deal negotiated with Brussels, the Prime Minister would have to resign as she would have lost her authority. A subsequent Tory leadership election would take at least two months and would probably necessitat­e an extension of the Article 50 deadline of March 2019, so delaying Brexit, and perhaps putting it in doubt.

But changing the occupant of No 10 would not resolve the problem. A new Prime Minister would face exactly the same Commons coalition of incompatib­les, and valuable time would have been lost – the nearer the March deadline, the weaker Britain’s negotiatin­g position. Brexit itself might well be in danger, with calls for a second referendum.

Theresa May, the only person constituti­onally empowered to negotiate for Britain, does so not on behalf of the Conservati­ve Party, but of the country. The whole country would suffer were she to be brought down.

Vernon Bogdanor is professor of government at King’s College, London

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