The Daily Telegraph

US troops to be sent to halt migrant caravan

- By Harriet Alexander in New York

THE Pentagon is preparing to send up to 800 troops to the US border with Mexico, it was reported yesterday, as about 7,000 Central American migrants edged their way north to the US in the hope of claiming asylum.

Donald Trump, the US president, called the situation a “national emergency” and tweeted: “They will be stopped!”

Despite border crossings this spring at a 40-year low, Mr Trump and fellow Republican­s have sought to make migration a major issue ahead of the Nov 6 midterm elections.

Around 300,000 people have crossed this year, well down from the turn of the century when a million would cross the border annually.

Mr Trump told a rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday evening that the military was “all set”. James Mattis, his defence secretary, is believed to be finalising details of where troops will be deployed and what their role will be. They are expected to build barriers and provide technical support at key points along the border.

There are 2,200 national guard troops now serving on the border; 1,145 soldiers in Texas, 115 in New Mexico, 580 in Arizona and the remaining 360 in California.

Although the troops are in a noncombat role, they will retain the right of self-defence. Border patrol officers remain in place to prevent illegal immigratio­n physically. The troops are expected to be stationed before the arrival of the migrant “caravan”.

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