The Daily Telegraph

A botched Brexit


SIR – Dr Robert Carmichael (Letters, October 27) suggests that having Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister would be more damaging than a botched Brexit, and that this is a reason to continue to vote Conservati­ve.

I fear he may not have fully considered the consequenc­es, for our democracy and our freedoms, of continuing to vote for a party that disregards the largest democratic vote in our history. If one vote’s outcome may be ignored, why not another? And if a party that fails to act on our votes faces no consequenc­es for doing so, why should it pay any attention to our other needs?

Failing to implement a Brexit that is recognised as such by those who voted for it will ruin not only the Tory party but our democracy itself. Phil Coutie

Exeter, Devon

SIR – A Corbyn government could be voted out in four years (or even earlier) but the consequenc­es of a botched Brexit would last for decades. We would be shackled to the EU with little power over it. A proper Brexit is what we voted for and what we should get. Martin Gaskill

Culcheth, Cheshire

SIR – I was interested to read that Alan Sked (Letters, October 27) plans to create a new party, as I have felt for some time that politicall­y I have nowhere to go.

Labour has veered to the far Left and is once again in thrall to the unions, promoting the politics of envy, division and victimhood. The Conservati­ves seem to be “Labourlite”, with their failure to fight for this country in the Brexit negotiatio­ns and their social engineerin­g agenda. The Liberal Democrats are dead in the water.

I consider myself to be, like many people, an old-fashioned liberal – fiscally conservati­ve but socially liberal. I’d like a government that enables people and businesses to succeed, ensures fair play, provides a safety net for those who can’t (not won’t) look after themselves – then gets out of the way.

If Professor Sked can form such a party he’d have my vote and I suspect millions of others from people who want to get on quietly with their lives without officious meddling from the state. Alison Levinson

Hastings, East Sussex

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