The Daily Telegraph

Hospital trust to have special safeguards to protect public

- By Laura Donnelly

A HOSPITAL trust being investigat­ed over baby deaths and repeated warnings on patient safety has been put into special measures.

It follows revelation­s that more than 100 cases of alleged poor care at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust in Shropshire are to be reviewed.

The trust is now under the closest scrutiny, having already been reporting to watchdogs over concerns about maternity and emergency services care at both Royal Shrewsbury and The Princess Royal hospitals.

In 2017, Jeremy Hunt ordered an investigat­ion into maternity care relating to 23 cases at the trust.

That figure expanded to 40 but is now thought to include more than 100 families.

Last month, the trust board announced intentions to close its Telford A & E due to concerns around the safety of its services and low staffing. Health Secretary Matt Hancock has written to local politician­s to inform them of the move to special measures.

He wrote: “In light of ongoing concerns about the trust’s quality and performanc­e, and recent concerns raised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), I believe that this is the right decision to take to ensure safe services for patients.”

Mr Hancock said the trust would receive support and “enhanced oversight” from NHS Improvemen­t (NHSI).

Ted Baker, the CQC’S chief inspector, said: “I believe there is sufficient evidence that the trust will not be able to make all the necessary improvemen­ts in the quality of their services without external support and I asked NHS Improvemen­t to put in place all necessary support without delay.”

The NHSI said the special measures came amid a risk to patient care, with challenges faced by the trust including “urgent and maternity care” and its handling of whistle-blowing.

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