The Daily Telegraph

Commonweal­th trade

- Owner, 5 Hertford Street Author, Churchill: Walking with Destiny Founder, Bruges Group Chair, United Commonweal­th Society Editor, The Daily Globe UK and nine others; see Robin Birley Andrew Roberts Patrick Robertson Jon-paul Teasda

SIR – Britain faces a stark choice between two paths. One path leads to stasis, where the express will of the people is delayed indefinite­ly, and the nation lacks the tools of statecraft to forge a partnershi­p with Europe outside the European Union and cannot pursue new partnershi­ps with our traditiona­l and cultural allies.

Another path leads to respect for democracy, as expressed on June 23 2016, building the foundation of a different globalisat­ion.

Those deciding the fate of the draft Withdrawal Agreement, should consider this alternativ­e:

1. Vote against the Withdrawal Agreement and support the Supercanad­a option, which has already been endorsed by Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council.

2. Establish a successor free-trade agreement to Ceta (between Canada and the EU) so that a new Canada-uk treaty could be implemente­d immediatel­y upon the conclusion of the Article 50 process.

3. Begin quadrilate­ral negotiatio­ns between Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand to forge a new Canzuk treaty.

4. Introduce a fairer immigratio­n policy with regard to Commonweal­th nations and end the unfair preference towards EU citizens.

5. Initiate a strategy for accession of Commonweal­th nations into a larger free-trade area – one with potential to include one third of the world’s population and a combined GDP that will reach $13 trillion by 2020.

Britain has a potentiall­y great global future. It must shake off the millstone of the “declinism” of its political class and create an optimistic, prosperous 21st-century nation. Our five-point plan is a way forward for post-brexit Britain.

We implore MPS to vote down the proposed draft Withdrawal Agreement and instead confirm Britain on a path of independen­ce and opportunit­y.

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