The Daily Telegraph

Macron hits out at ‘hateful mob’ and vows reforms will go on

- By David Chazan in Paris

EMMANUEL Macron last night delivered a combative New Year’s Eve address, vowing to push forward with economic reforms despite two-month protests from what he termed a “hateful mob”.

The French president, whose address was broadcast from the Élysée Palace, acknowledg­ed “anger over injustices” lay behind the “yellow vest” movement. He said: “Ultraliber­al and financial capitalism, too often guided by short-term interests, is heading towards its demise.”

But he condemned protest leaders. “Those who claim to speak for the people, but in fact speak for a hateful mob – attacking elected representa­tives, security forces, journalist­s, Jews, foreigners, homosexual­s – are quite simply the negation of France,” he said.

He rejected calls for referendum­s on major policy decisions and for the possibilit­y of ousting elected representa­tives. “The people is sovereign and it expresses itself at elections,” he said. “We are a state under the rule of law.”

Jérémy Clément, a “yellow vest” from near Paris, said: “Mr President, you’ve tried to understand us but you’ve failed. We hope you’ll succeed in hearing us this year.”

More than 147,000 members of the security forces were deployed as protesters headed for Champs-élysées. Laurence Sailliet, spokesman for main conservati­ve opposition party The Republican­s, said Mr Macron “showed that he remains disconnect­ed”.

♦ Germany will take a more active role on the world stage in 2019, Angela Merkel, its chancellor, said last night. She said the lessons of two world wars were being forgotten with the spirit of internatio­nal cooperatio­n under increased pressure.

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