The Daily Telegraph

Labour pushing to postpone Brexit

Corbyn backs Bill to stall Article 50 as Cabinet ministers aim to prevent no deal

- By Steven Swinford, Harry Yorke and Anna Mikhailova

THE prospect of a delayed Brexit moved a step closer last night after Jeremy Corbyn signalled that Labour would join Remain Tory ministers and MPS in blocking no deal.

The Labour leader is expected to give his support to a back-bench Bill that would force the Government to request an extension of Article 50, after he met its backers.

The Daily Telegraph has also learnt that an alliance of 18 Tory ministers, including five Cabinet members, has been holding secret meetings to discuss plans to stop a no-deal Brexit, with several prepared to quit over the issue.

In an attempt to save her Withdrawal Agreement, Theresa May is considerin­g withholdin­g part of the £39billion divorce bill to ensure Britain is not trapped within the Irish backstop.

The plan, put to her by Oliver Robbins, her chief Brexit negotiator, is designed to win over Tory Euroscepti­cs and trump the rebels’ Article 50 bid.

However, the Prime Minister also faces a challenge from Yvette Cooper, the Labour MP, who has tabled the cross-party back-bench Bill that could force Mrs May to request an extension of Article 50 if no deal is reached by Feb 26. John Mcdonnell, the shadow chancellor, said it was “highly likely” that Labour would back the amendment. Mr Corbyn met Ms Cooper yesterday to discuss the plans. MPS vote on Tuesday on an amendment paving the way for the Bill, with the Government already expecting defeat.

However, Mr Corbyn is facing a backlash from his shadow Cabinet and senior Labour MPS amid concerns that it will be seen by voters as part of a bid to thwart Brexit. A shadow minister and close ally said it would be “very difficult for us to argue in our constituen­cies” to extend Article 50.

Several Tory ministers are expected to resign so that they can back the amendment. Among those discussing strategy are Amber Rudd, the Work and Pensions Secretary, and Philip Hammond, the Chancellor. One group member called them the “hair-shirt club” because they meet early in the evening and there is no “pizza or alcohol”.

Other Tory MPS are urging caution on the rebel ministers. Johnny Mercer, a prominent backbenche­r, writes in The Telegraph today that ministers threatenin­g to resign over no deal should either “do it or keep quiet”.

Mrs May was presented with her latest set of options to break the Brexit deadlock last Sunday, when Mr Robbins set out nine scenarios, including a unilateral exit mechanism from the backstop, putting an end date on it and having all the UK in “regulatory alignment” with the EU rather than just Northern Ireland.

At least three options involve reopening the Withdrawal Agreement, until now an apparent red line for both the Government and Brussels.

The EU has insisted it will not reopen negotiatio­ns on the agreement and that the backstop cannot be timelimite­d or subject to a unilateral exit.

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