The Daily Telegraph

Remainers have sabotaged Brexit compromise

With Britain’s political class on the EU’S side, there is no incentive for Brussels to give ground


Almost 30 years ago, Geoffrey Howe resigned from Margaret Thatcher’s government and mortally wounded the prime minister with a devastatin­g attack on her Euroscepti­cism. “It’s like sending our opening batsmen to the crease,” he said, “only for them to find that before the first ball is bowled, their bats have been broken by the team captain.”

Today, the roles are reversed. The team captain, Theresa May, is heading for the middle with a bat that has been broken by her pro-european team-mates. While her aim is to secure changes to the Irish backstop that will allow Conservati­ve MPS to back her Withdrawal Agreement, the political classes, past and present, are working to ensure that she will fail.

We are approachin­g the moment in negotiatio­ns when, convention­ally, compromise­s are made and deals are done. In Brussels, they say nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, and they only agree everything at one minute to midnight. Sure enough, with a little more than two months until Britain leaves the European Union, there are signs that compromise­s might be possible.

The European Commission has accepted that it would impose a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland if there is no deal, and the Irish government has admitted it would seek a bilateral treaty with Britain. Angela Merkel has questioned whether the backstop – which is risking a no-deal outcome – is such a good idea after all. The Polish foreign minister has suggested it should expire after five years. And some European officials have privately discussed a new solution: a customs zone taking in the whole British Isles, the UK and Ireland together, with Britain compensati­ng Ireland for any new friction in its trade with Europe.

In other words, the circumstan­ces should be ripe for a big British push to change the backstop. Two weeks ago, Andrew Murrison, the Tory MP, proposed an amendment to the Prime Minister’s deal that would have made the backstop time-limited. If a significan­t number of MPS had backed him, the Government would have been able to show Brussels that a backstop compromise would win the Withdrawal Agreement a Commons majority. But the vote was never held because John Bercow, the Speaker, refused to select the amendment.

The Speaker has been only too happy, of course, to select amendments from MPS who want to stop or water down Brexit until it is meaningles­s. As a result, next Tuesday the Commons will vote not only on the Government’s next Brexit plans, but on several alternativ­e proposals. Yvette Cooper, a Labour MP representi­ng a constituen­cy that voted to leave the EU by more than two to one, will table proposals to stop Brexit happening this year. With Labour increasing­ly likely to whip their MPS to vote for it, and rebel Tories likely to join them, the Cooper amendment will probably pass.

The Cooper initiative is not the only amendment MPS will vote on. Some seek to postpone Brexit indefinite­ly, impose EU laws on Britain or try to stop Brexit altogether through a second referendum. Dominic Grieve wants MPS to take over the Commons timetable, allowing a series of votes on ways to water Brexit down. Labour want to let MPS vote on options that include a second referendum. Predictabl­y, the shadow Brexit secretary, Sir Keir Starmer, has already said that, in such a referendum, he would campaign for Britain to remain in the EU after all.

It does not matter how many of these amendments pass. Their very existence tells the EU that it does not need to compromise. As Caroline Flint, one of the few, brave Labour Remainers who accepted the referendum result, says that instead of asking for no deal to be taken off the table, the public would have more trust in MPS if they said Remain must be taken off the table. Of course, that will not happen because the MPS pushing to delay, weaken or stop Brexit were Remainers during the referendum and are Remainers today. They are ignoring the manifestos they were elected upon in 2017 – the promises they and their parties made to the public – and are trying to use procedure and delay to kill Brexit.

Brussels understand­s this very well. From the start, self-regarding Remainer grandees – Heseltine, Major, Blair, Clegg, Osborne and the rest – have undermined the Government’s negotiatin­g position and encouraged the EU to maintain a tough line with Britain. Inside government, Remain-supporting ministers have prevented meaningful no-deal planning and made huge unilateral concession­s, such as Britain’s exit payment and our guaranteed contributi­on to Europe’s security, while receiving nothing in return.

The Europeans have always known, inside Parliament and out, that Britain’s political classes are on their side. Speaking from Davos yesterday, George Osborne sarcastica­lly likened Brexit to a game of Russian roulette. In this respect, at least, he was right. Leavers are holding the gun, and Remainers have made sure the chamber is fully loaded with bullets. This, I suppose, is how the establishm­ent works: it was probably always going to end this way.

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