The Daily Telegraph

Trump will keep 200 US troops in Syria despite withdrawal plan


By Raf Sanchez in Deir Ezzor, Syria

and Josie Ensor

THE US will keep a small American “peacekeepi­ng force” in Syria, the White House has said, as President Donald Trump pulled back from a complete withdrawal.

Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary, said Washington would keep behind 200 troops to help its Syrian Kurdish allies contain Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

The announceme­nt partially reversed Mr Trump’s abrupt decision in December to withdraw the entire 2,000-strong US contingent by April, which had alarmed America’s Syrian partners and prompted both the defence secretary Jim Mattis and anti-isil envoy Brett Mcgurk to resign.

Although the US force would be small, Kurdish leaders suggested it could have a major impact on the fate of northeaste­rn and eastern Syria, preventing a security vacuum. Washington could retain control of the air space and its European allies could complement the force with more troops.

Abdulkarim Omar, the co-chairman of foreign relations in the region held by the Us-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), said: “We evaluate the White House decision positively.

“This decision may encourage other European states, particular­ly our partners in the internatio­nal coalition against terrorism, to keep forces in the region.”

A Western diplomat said it remained to be seen whether European allies would contribute troops, or if the force would be able to secure the area.

The SDF is trying to clear Isil’s final pocket of territory in the village of Baghouz in eastern Deir Ezzor province, which has taken more than a month.

The huge number of civilians has complicate­d the fighting, which has been paused several times to allow women and children to escape.

Some 300 Isil militants and their families have been under siege for more than a week in the tent camp.

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