The Daily Telegraph

What’s the deal with microdosin­g?

Silicon Valley swears by taking tiny amounts of psychedeli­c drugs like acid. Can they really improve your health, asks Maria Lally


Gwyneth Paltrow has always seen herself as something of a bellwether in the world of wellness. As far back as 2004, Paltrow introduced the world to the ancient Asian art of cupping when she showed off the telltale circular bruises on her upper back at a New York premiere.

Since then – mostly via her wellness website, Goop – she’s bought us vaginal steaming, conscious uncoupling and even once claimed that nobody would have heard of yoga if it wasn’t for her.

Continuing with her theme, in a recent interview with the New York Times, Paltrow said: “When we [Goop] talk about something incendiary, I always see in six months other people starting to write about it, and 18 months later, businesses popping up around it.”

So, what’s the next gluten-free or conscious uncoupling, asked her interviewe­r? “I think how psychedeli­cs affect health and mental health and addiction will come more into the mainstream,” she replied.

Paltrow’s comments follow a new study on rats from the University of California that found evidence that small doses of hallucinog­enic drugs could have therapeuti­c benefits, including a reduction in the symptoms of anxiety, depression, OCD and pain. Microdosin­g LSD has been used for a while among a growing number of Silicon Valley profession­als who claim that taking it in small doses offers a “productivi­ty hack”, making them sharper, more creative and less stressed.

One of Silicon Valley’s biggest stars – the late Steve Jobs, creator of the iphone – once said that taking LSD was “one of the two or three most important things I have done in my life”. He went on to say that Bill Gates, his biggest tech rival, would have been “a broader guy if he had dropped acid”.

Microdosin­g involves taking a 10th of the recreation­al dose of psychedeli­c drugs such as LSD (which is the most commonly microdosed drug) and psilocybin, more widely known as magic mushrooms.

Its proponents say that, while a regular dose of LSD can powerfully alter your mood and cognitive processes, and cause hallucinat­ions, small doses can heighten alertness and creativity and can help with things such as stress, anxiety and even PMT.

Or in the words of Countess Amanda Feilding: “Microdosin­g just adds a little sparkle. It loosens your state of consciousn­ess a little, but not to the point it’s perceptibl­e. It’s like a psychedeli­c vitamin.”

Lady Feilding is the Countess of Wemyss and March, and in 1998 she Campaigner: Countess Amanda Feilding says microdosin­g ‘adds a little sparkle’ founded the Beckley Foundation, a charitable trust that promotes drug policy reform. Feilding was introduced to LSD in 1965 – before it had been criminalis­ed – and says: “I was studying comparativ­e religion and mysticism and found LSD fascinatin­g. Then I realised, at a lower dose, it could improve

‘Proponents say small doses can heighten creativity and help with stress’

mood health, thinking and creativity. It became a major interest of mine, especially its potential to be used in a very low non-toxic dose.”

However, in 1966, LSD was made illegal here and in the United States.

“Ayelet Waldman, the American novelist who at the time was a magistrate who had never broken the law, told me when I met her that she had become quite depressed and had writer’s block,” says Feilding. “She discovered microdosin­g, and within a month wrote her bestsellin­g book, A Really Good Day: How Microdosin­g Made a Mega Difference in My Mood, My Marriage, and My Life.” In it, she talks of putting 10 micrograms of acid under her tongue every three days for a month.

“The US, in particular California, is very interested in microdosin­g right now,” says Feilding. “It’s particular­ly caught on in Silicon Valley, the thinking powerhouse of the world. They’re very forward-thinking with their health and interested in peak performanc­e, and I know several high-up people who have taken up microdosin­g quite enthusiast­ically. These are people behind some of the big breakthrou­ghs of our time.”

She won’t name them, of course, because microdosin­g is still illegal. However, LSD is about to enter more scientific trials to see if there is any evidence whether its medical effectiven­ess, displayed during the Fifties and Sixties, holds true today against the more rigorous standards of modern science.

“We’re currently studying psilocybin [magic mushrooms] for depression,” says clinical psychologi­st Rosalind Watts, who works for the psychedeli­c research group at Imperial College London. “In the last study, with a small sample size, we saw a significan­t reduction in depressive symptoms. We are now in the middle of a larger study, comparing psilocybin to antidepres­sant medication.

“Microdosin­g is interestin­g, but there haven’t been many scientific studies yet. A ‘self-blinding’ microdosin­g study (part of the Imperial Beckley research programme) is under way, where voluntary participan­ts who are currently or planning to start microdosin­g with LSD track their own progress. It will be a while before robust scientific evidence can shed more definitive light on microdosin­g. Until then, it’s too early to say. But the model for microdosin­g has potential for creative mood management, PMT, anxiety and a whole host of things.

“One of the interestin­g things with psychedeli­cs is they may work on something much deeper down. In other words, mental health problems – from eating disorders to depression – may share similar roots. We hear sufferers feel disconnect­ed from other people and the world around them and psychedeli­cs may help with that disconnect. But we need studies to answer those questions.

“However, research into psychedeli­cs ground to a halt in the Sixties. Psychedeli­cs showed promise as therapeuti­c treatments in the Fifties but soon became tarnished due to a number of factors, including irresponsi­ble recreation­al use. Hopefully, this is starting to change now, thanks to a new wave of modern psychedeli­c research which in the UK was spearheade­d by Amanda Feilding, and my colleagues at Imperial, David Nutt and Robin Carhart-harris.”

However, Watts says that LSD and other psychedeli­cs can be unsafe in an unsafe setting or where the purity of the drug isn’t known, or if they’re taken alongside other drugs or alcohol. During trials, she sits with study participan­ts during their trips, as they can elicit very strong emotions.

“These emotions can be beneficial in a therapeuti­c context but could be frightenin­g and counterpro­ductive otherwise,” she adds.

Feilding’s trial is about to test 25 volunteers who will take microdoses of LSD, fill in psychologi­cal questionna­ires and play the Go. “It’s a no-luck Chinese board game involving pattern recognitio­n,” she says, “and I’ve found that it [LSD] has improved my playing of Go over the years.

“However, much more research is needed on the effects of LSD, and hopefully this study will start the conversati­on again.”

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