The Daily Telegraph

Asylum seeker blamed sexual assault on ‘UK’S corrupt morals’

- By Phoebe Southworth

A SUDANESE shepherd granted asylum in the UK has claimed that “immorality” in Newcastle encouraged him to sexually assault a stranger.

Zain Osman, 25, who entered the country in a lorry, thrust his hands down the victim’s trousers and tried to force him to perform oral sex on him in the street, the city’s crown court heard

He also bit the man on his back and shoulder and sent him tumbling into a roadworks ditch during the 20-minute ordeal in the city centre in September.

The ambush on his 26-year-old victim, who had just had a “consensual” encounter in the street with a man he picked up at Rusty’s gay bar, was halted by a taxi driver who intervened when he saw what was happening.

Jamie Adams, defending, said his client’s behaviour was not violent but showed “clumsy drunken persistenc­e”.

“He is an uneducated man, he was a shepherd in his own country, the Sudan,” said Mr Adams.

“He had never experience­d the kind of immorality he experience­d in coming here and was evident in this particular area of Newcastle.

“He lacked the kind of life experience­s we know about in our more civilised community.”

Judge Jeremy Freedman said Osman “would not take no for an answer” as he sentenced him to 15 months in jail.

“I accept you are now very sorry for what you did and you are a naive, uneducated gentleman.

“Neverthele­ss, you knew what you were doing was wrong and you must be punished,” he added.

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