The Daily Telegraph

Suspect in ‘Mafia don’ murder displays pro-trump slogans

- By Nick Allen in Washington

A MAN charged with killing the reputed boss of one of New York’s Mafia families appeared in court with pro-donald Trump slogans on his hand.

Anthony Comello, 24, held up his left palm to show the court a series of messages including “MAGA Forever” – a reference to Mr Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign rallying cry – and “Patriots in Charge”.

He had also drawn what appeared to be a large “Q”. That was believed to stand for Qanon, a bizarre far-right internet conspiracy theory which suggests Mr Trump is under attack from a “deep state” cabal backed by high-profile Hollywood and political figures.

Mr Comello, a constructi­on worker, is accused of shooting dead Francesco “Franky Boy” Cali, 53, outside his home in Staten Island last week.

He was arrested in New Jersey and appeared in court for a hearing to organise his transfer back to New York. Mr Comello faces a charge of murder but did not enter a plea.

Before the hearing Mr Comello raised his left hand, in handcuffs, to show the scribbling­s he had made in blue ink. Asked by journalist way he was doing it, he replied: “Why not?”

The shooting of Cali, who was born in Sicily, was the first time a Mafia don had been assassinat­ed in New York since 1985, and evoked memories of Mafia wars in the city decades ago.

Cali had been identified by prosecutor­s, but never charged, with being the head of the Gambino family, once one of America’s most powerful crime organisati­ons. Police have not yet confirmed whether his murder was a Mafia-related crime, but Mr Comello had no known links to organised crime.

It emerged that Mr Comello had carried out several odd, politicall­y-related stunts before the alleged killing.

A few months ago he reportedly tried to make a citizen’s arrest of Bill de Blasio, the Democratic mayor of New York, and he was also reported to have discussed a potential citizen’s arrest of Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic speaker of the House of Representa­tives.

 ??  ?? Anthony Comello, 24, displays the writing he scrawled on his hand during his hearing
Anthony Comello, 24, displays the writing he scrawled on his hand during his hearing

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