The Daily Telegraph

Trump backs Brazil for Nato membership

- By Rozina Sabur in Washington

DONALD TRUMP suggested he may back full Nato membership for Brazil during a meeting with Jair Bolsonaro, the country’s new far-right leader.

The US president said: “I intend to designate Brazil as a major non-nato ally or even possibly, if you start thinking about it, maybe a Nato ally”.

He added: “I’ll have to talk to a lot of people but maybe a Nato ally – which will greatly advance security and cooperatio­n between our countries.”

Mr Trump’s comments were a step further than had been expected from yesterday’s meeting between the two populist presidents.

Brazilian officials said last week that they have been seeking the status of “major non-nato ally,” which falls short of full Nato membership, but offers financial advantages not available to non-nato members.

Colombia is so far the only Latin American nation to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisati­on, becoming a “global partner” in 2018, a status which means it will not necessaril­y have to take part in military action.

It was a ringing endorsemen­t of Brazil’s new president by Mr Trump, who predicted a “fantastic working relationsh­ip” between the two leaders, saying: “We have many views that are similar.”

In his first official State visit since entering office in January, Mr Bolsonaro said that the two countries stand “side by side” in respect to “traditiona­l and family lifestyles” and against “politicall­y correct attitudes and fake news”.

 ??  ?? Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro exchanged football shirts when they met in the Oval Office at the White House
Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro exchanged football shirts when they met in the Oval Office at the White House

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