The Daily Telegraph

Time to learn the lessons of Monte Cassino

We must show the same grit as those who won one of the Second World War’s major battles 75 years ago


Otherwise known as D Day, June 6 1944 is a date we are all familiar with. The largest seaborne invasion in history, the Normandy landings – codenamed Operation Overlord – took 13 months to plan, and involved 5,000 vessels, 1,200 planes and 160,000 personnel from more than a dozen countries. As a critical turning point in securing victory, it is absolutely right that world leaders and veterans will gather in Portsmouth to mark the 75th anniversar­y and give thanks for the extraordin­ary bravery and sacrifice.

Less well remembered was the liberation of Rome – the first of the three Axis powers’ capitals to be retaken and which occurred around

the same time as D Day. Italy, described by Churchill as the “soft underbelly” into Europe, turned out to be no walk in the park, and this week marks the 75th anniversar­y of the Battle of Monte Cassino, arguably one of the most intense and demanding of the war.

It is worth recalling the circumstan­ces that led to this protracted engagement on the Italian peninsula. With the Axis surrenderi­ng in North Africa, the Allies had just passed their first real test. The road to Rome appeared open. Halfway up the boot of Italy, however, Allied troops encountere­d a series of coast-to-coast defensive fortificat­ions known as the Winter Line, with the magnificen­t Roman Catholic abbey of Monte Cassino at its apex. Built in the sixth century, its hilltop vantage point dominated access to the Liri and Rapido valleys – and the road to Rome.

Months of fighting followed in what became one of the longest and bloodiest engagement­s of the Italian campaign. The 8th Army might have arrived at the battle in their desert warfare gear but, far from being warmed by the Mediterran­ean sun, Allied troops found themselves chilled to the bone. Fighting across the rugged terrain was hand-to-hand, on exposed slopes as torrential rain beat down and artillery fire turned rock to shrapnel. War diaries from soldiers in the 10th Royal Berkshire Regiment speak of the 12-hour climb to the battalion forward positions to replenish rations and ammunition.

It took four separate battles before the Abbey was finally taken by Second Polish Corps as part of a multinatio­nal force of 20 divisions assaulting across a front of 20 miles.

To mark the 75th anniversar­y this week, I am joining other Allied representa­tives at Monte Cassino. It’s an opportunit­y to give thanks to British, American, Canadian, Gurkha, French Moroccan, Polish, South African and New Zealander troops for their service and sacrifice.

We can also reflect on its lessons. The Battle of Monte Cassino was in many ways a flawed campaign. Ill-equipped troops struggled to cope with unfamiliar terrain, chains of command were not always followed – even the higher strategic objectives were not fully agreed. Those mistakes had tragic consequenc­es. But the tactical, strategic and political lessons learnt were applied to D Day planning, from the importance of logistical supply chains, troops in reserve, and wise use of artillery power to postconfli­ct stabilisat­ion and responsibi­lities to civilians.

Looking back at those events, we can be incredibly proud of the sheer determinat­ion of our military and for being a nation that stepped forward to defend our values – leading others to join us in challengin­g our adversarie­s. Today we face very different, more diverse and complex challenges but which equally threaten our way of life. Our country, economy and values are vulnerable to a range of dangers that have no respect for borders. The rise of populism, resurgent nations, extremism, cyber attacks and climate change must be addressed – yet as the world moves faster and becomes more dangerous, there is a tragic collective naivety about the durability of today’s relative peace.

Ever fewer countries have the means, aspiration and authority to help shape the world for the better – as we did 75 years ago. If we are to retain that capability ourselves, we must not only continue to exceed Nato’s 2 per cent defence spending target, but must become less risk-averse and use these anniversar­y events to reflect on how we can work more effectivel­y with our allies to prevent the erosion of our values.

Tobias Ellwood MP is defence minister

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