The Daily Telegraph

Olympic triathlete shatters pelvis after bike is hit by deer

- By Daily Telegraph Reporter

A FORMER Olympic triathlete shattered his pelvis after a deer sent him flying from the saddle during a bike ride.

Stuart Hayes was cycling at speed down Broomfield Hill in Richmond Park, London, when he crashed into a female deer that had “belted” in front of him on Tuesday morning.

The 40-year-old, who is credited with helping the Brownlee brothers win gold and bronze at the 2012 Olympics, was sent flying off his bicycle into the kerb, smashing his hip.

He faces major surgery for multiple fractures, after being taken to Kingston Hospital, it has been reported.

The athlete told the Evening Standard: “As I hit the bend a deer ran straight out across the road into me.

“I hit it on the head – it sent me flying and I landed on my hip.

“Originally I thought I was fine but when I tried to stand up my leg just buckled.”

He added: “I’m on a lot of painkiller­s so I don’t feel too bad, but the doctors told me it was serious.”

The deer sprinted away after the collision, Mr Hayes said. “It must have been injured but it just ran off. Normally they stop, or you can slow down, but this one just belted across the road,” he told the newspaper.

Mr Hayes represente­d Team GB in the men’s triathlon at the London 2012 Summer Olympics, where he performed a “domestique” role for the Brownlee brothers. This meant his job was to focus his efforts on helping Alistair and Jonny Brownlee to victory in the race, rather than concentrat­ing on his own success, by cycling ahead of them so they could travel in his slipstream.

Alistair Brownlee won gold that year, while Jonny took the bronze medal.

The Twickenham-based athlete had been riding in laps around Richmond Park when the collision took place at around 10.40am.

He added: “I’ve been going round the park for 25 years and never had a problem.”

Deer birthing season recently began in London’s Royal Park, with 300 calves and fawns expected to be born during the next two months.

Adam Curtis, the park’s assistant manager, said: “This incident is a reminder to all park users that the deer in Richmond Park are wild animals. Please be aware of them when travelling through and give way.”

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