The Daily Telegraph

RSPB issues call for swift action


Conservati­onists are growing increasing­ly concerned about the late arrival of swifts to the UK this year.

Many returning after spending the winter in Africa are arriving around two weeks late, according to the RSPB, which is campaignin­g to save the UK’S dwindling swift population.

It is thought severe storms in Italy, France and Spain have hit swifts particular­ly badly, with many dying through starvation or hypothermi­a.

Unseasonab­ly low temperatur­es over southern Europe will have made the already hazardous 6,000-mile journey even more difficult.

The RSPB is asking volunteers to notify it of sightings of swifts so it can help identify the more important sites in Britain for the birds and target its conservati­on work there. Sightings of swifts nesting or flying around rooftops should be sent to its Swift Survey at­y Samantha Herbert

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