The Daily Telegraph

Officer cleared of using police dog ‘as a weapon’ on criminals

- By Daily Telegraph Reporter

A POLICE constable has been cleared of using his dog as a weapon to “vent his contempt” for criminals.

Pc Paul Jackson, 36, was accused of deploying his German shepherd dog Jerry to seriously injure five men who all abandoned cars that were being followed by police in Greater Manchester. But Pc Jackson said he acted in a reasonable and proportion­ate manner during the incidents between August 2015 and September 2016.

He was cleared of five counts of wounding with intent and five alternativ­e counts of causing grievous bodily harm yesterday following a trial at Preston Crown Court.

Pc Paul Lockett, 37, his Greater Manchester Police (GMP) colleague, was also cleared of aiding and abetting one of Pc Jackson’s alleged assaults and a second count of misconduct in a public office.

Pc Jackson was investigat­ed by the Independen­t Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) after complaints about his use of Jerry and excessive violence while working for GMP’S tactical vehicle intercept unit. The five complainan­ts who gave evidence at the trial all have previous conviction­s – ranging from driving offences to a career burglar and a convicted murderer.

Pc Jackson denied he lost control in anger and urged Jerry to bite targets.

Jurors heard the officer has received three commendati­ons – including two Chief Constable’s Awards – since he joined GMP in 2008. In 2010, he rugbytackl­ed a man who doused himself in petrol and threatened to set himself alight with his family nearby. Five years later, he helped detain a gang who robbed a farmhouse in Hull and tortured a couple.

Insp Tariq Butt, his superior, told the jury Pc Jackson was the “ultimate profession­al” and added: “If I could clone the traits of a police dog handler, it would be Pc Paul Jackson.”

Pc Lockett also earned a Chief Constable’s Award for his role in the Hull arrests. The IOPC said: “The next steps are to complete the conduct matters for these officers. GMP agreed with our findings, and we await their response with regard to any further proceeding­s.”

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