The Daily Telegraph

To do well at No 10, Boris must be like mayor again

- Matthew Lynn

‘While he was at City Hall, London’s economy expanded by 22pc, double the UK average’

It would take a gaffe of earthshatt­ering proportion­s to stop him now. True, if any candidate is capable of that, this one is. And yet, once his commanding lead in the first round of voting among Conservati­ve MPS is taken into account, it looks certain that Boris Johnson will become Prime Minister next month. The markets are not going to like that one bit, and sterling is already wobbling.

Johnson has been here before, admittedly in a far less crucial role. Right after he became Mayor of London in 2008 the city was hit by the crash, hardly a minor matter for a place that relies on banking for its jobs and prosperity. On his watch, London grew at an astonishin­g rate, turning itself into a global economic powerhouse. If Johnson can learn the right lessons from his time running London – deregulate, back tech, sell yourself furiously – he can make a success of running the British economy as well. It remains to be seen what voters make of Prime Minister Johnson. They will have a chance to deliver their verdict, possibly earlier than most people expect. One prediction can be made for certain, however. Global investors will be even more nervous. Prime Minister Johnson will potentiall­y trigger a “no-deal” Brexit, with all the chaos that might inflict on the economy, as well as possibly an early general election that could let in a Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour government. There is nothing good about either. Taken together they could be deadly.

And yet, there could be an upside. Sure, there is plenty to criticise in Johnson’s time in public office. But one factor is easily over-looked. In his time as Mayor, London was a stunning economic success story. A Parliament­ary report recently worked out the growth rates for parts of the UK from 2010 to 2016, which covers

the bulk of Johnson’s time at City Hall. London’s economy expanded by 22pc, double the UK average, and well ahead of the next fastest region, the West Midlands, which expanded by 15pc. By the time he left office, London was growing at 3pc a year, double the rate of its greatest rival, New York. It is by far the richest region in Europe, with an output per person almost double its closest rival, and it muscled its way into a tiny elite of global commercial hubs that are proving a magnet for wealth creation. There was nothing inevitable about that. Indeed, the global financial crash, with bank runs and job cuts, could easily have laid waste to whole chunks of London’s economy, crippling it for a generation. So what should Johnson learn from his spell in charge of London that can be applied to the UK?

First, deregulati­on is the best way to get an economy to grow. Not everyone likes the flashy skyscraper­s that dominate the capital’s skyline, or the new swathes of housing and office space that have been opened up to the east, or in new areas such as Nine Elms. Like most developmen­t booms, it has been chaotic and often speculativ­e. Yet it also brings a lot of energy, money and creates the kind of quality office space that enables companies to expand and attracts global headquarte­rs. Ripping up planning laws offends lots of people, but it sure gets things moving – and London is better for it.

Next, back technology. Britain’s science hubs used to be on the outskirts of the great university towns. Not any more. London has been turned into one of the world’s key tech hubs. It has more unicorns – start-ups worth more than $1bn – than any city in Europe; more than twice as many as Paris or Berlin, its closest rivals. The 21st century global economy may well be dominated by the West Coast of the US and the East Coast of China, but the UK is finding a place as the third centre. London has led the way but the rest of the UK can catch up.

Thirdly, welcome people from all over the globe. As Mayor, Johnson helped turn London into the most multi-cultural city in the world. It may end up annoying a section of his Brexit-voting political base, but the lesson is surely to keep the doors open to talent from around the world.

Finally, lots of self-promotion. At times it might well be exaggerate­d. Some of it is slightly naff. But Johnson as Mayor was a very good salesman for London as a global city. As we leave the EU, we are going to need that kind of salesmansh­ip more than ever. With low corporate taxes, flexible labour markets and a pro-business government, the UK will still be an attractive place to invest – but investors will take some persuading.

The markets will be nervous about Prime Minister Johnson. Don’t expect him to be given an easy ride and there certainly won’t be any kind of spike. But his record in London, at least on the economy, was very good.

The question will be whether he can learn the right lessons from it.

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