The Daily Telegraph

Journalist­s are not the enemy of the state

Police should be helping to uphold the freedom of the press – not using their powers to shut it down

- FOLLOW Jodie Ginsberg on Twitter @jodieginsb­erg; READ MORE at opinion JODIE GINSBERG Jodie Ginsberg is chief executive of Index on Censorship

Neil Basu was wrong to threaten journalist­s who publish leaked informatio­n. The Metropolit­an Police’s Assistant Commission­er – who said on Friday that those who did so could face criminal charges – was wrong, not just because his comments risk deterring the media from publishing informatio­n that is in the public interest, but because the role of the police is to uphold the law. That includes those laws which protect free media. Seeing journalist­s only as troublemak­ers to be punished, rather than viewing media freedom as a right to be legally protected, is a threat to the public’s right to know.

The freedom of the press is essential to safeguardi­ng democracy. Just last

week, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt stood shoulder to shoulder in London with some of the world’s bravest journalist­s who daily risk life and limb to report the news that those in power would rather suppress. Journalist­s like Maria Ressa, who faces relentless harassment from the government of the Philippine­s president, Rodrigo Duerte, or Ghanaian investigat­ive journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas, who wears a face covering to protect his identity. Their work, Hunt told an audience of diplomats and foreign ministers at his global conference for media freedom, was the lifeblood of free and thriving societies.

Just a day later, one of Britain’s most senior police officers suggested that journalist­s who publish leaked informatio­n risk jail. Basu must realise that when the police seek to punish journalist­s for publishing embarrassi­ng stories about the state, the results can be deeply alarming.

A recent study by Index on Censorship showed that government­s around the world are increasing­ly using national security laws to target journalist­s over stories that are in the public interest. In May, for example, journalist­s working for the French investigat­ive website Disclose were summoned by the country’s intelligen­ce services over articles revealing how French arms sold to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were being used in Yemen’s civil war. Just last month, Australian police raided the headquarte­rs of the public broadcaste­r ABC over a series of pieces they ran in 2017 exposing the clandestin­e operations of Australian special forces in Afghanista­n. The police said they were investigat­ing “allegation­s of publishing classified material”.

While states should of course retain the ability to punish those who genuinely endanger state security – publishing details of government agents, for example – we should push back strongly against the increasing use of national security laws to punish journalist­s who publish informatio­n that reveals corruption or wrongdoing.

Basu’s comments related to national security matters, but his remarks reflect a broader unease among those in power about publishing leaked informatio­n, reinforcin­g an impression that journalism itself is akin to an unsafe or even criminal enterprise, rather than one that helps to promote safety and security. Think of the crucial public interest work done by journalist­s in exposing the Thalidomid­e scandal, for example, or creating greater awareness of the rise in pollution.

At the moment in Britain, one area of police overreach that is of great concern is the use of production orders forcing journalist­s to hand over private informatio­n used for stories. Lawyers acting for UK journalist­s report that such orders are often drawn so widely that they risk exposing sources who provided vital public interest informatio­n.

This is totally at odds with a country where civil liberties are supposed to be protected by a police force that upholds the law in an impartial manner. A better understand­ing among officers about the effect of such misused powers on media freedom – and indeed on freedom of expression more generally – is essential.

Basu subsequent­ly clarified that police did not want to stop the press from publishing stories. But his remarks are symptomati­c of a wider culture in the police – and among some legislator­s – that pits notions of safety and security against journalist­s’ hard-won freedoms.

It is a securocrat­ic worldview that endangers us all.

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