The Daily Telegraph

There are only two futures for Britain – Brexit with Boris or Corbyn as PM

Faced with this stark reality, Tory Remainers need to decide which of these options they prefer

- ALLISTER HEATH FOLLOW Allister Heath on Twitter @Allisterhe­ath; READ MORE at opinion

It’s decision time, and the stakes are the highest they have been in 40 years. Theresa May’s grotesque interregnu­m will be remembered, if at all, for her failed attempt at pausing history, culminatin­g in a debilitati­ng political stasis. Her three miserable, wasted years in office will now be followed by a period of accelerate­d and possibly extreme activity, starting next Tuesday, as Britain’s pent-up appetite for radical change is finally satiated.

The only question will be the scale and magnitude of our country’s frenzied transforma­tion, and whether it is Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn who leads the revolution.

The choice Britain faces is unusually binary, at once terrifying and exhilarati­ng in its starkness. There are only two routes, and two camps; all other avenues keep returning to one of those two, as if the country were stuck in an infernal political maze. We can either opt for a radical reset via a meaningful Brexit, possibly without a deal – or hand power to Corbyn, a man committed to blowing up capitalism, society and the internatio­nal order.

The first choice implies a radical political and economic rupture, necessitat­ing root and branch promarket

reform; the latter a mad lurch into full regime change, complete with a Corbynite year zero, a devastatin­g wealth tax, the end of private schools and massive nationalis­ation.

Crucially, there are no other options available, no third way, no clinging to a slightly tweaked version of the current political and economic settlement, no chance of a centrist, mushy party emerging and replacing Brexiteers and Corbynites alike. We can’t return to Cameroonis­m, or replay the 2015 election, or pretend the referendum didn’t happen. It’s all too late: opinions have polarised, and neither the Brexit genie nor the socialist demon can be forced back into their bottles.

Meanwhile, the new President of the European Commission is a fanatical federalist; her team will push an even more toxic centralisi­ng agenda. Another referendum would be won by Leave again, especially with a Brexiteer government and PM.

The decision tree always comes back to one or other outcome: Brexit, or a hard-left agenda, or both, if the former is botched or sabotaged. Every MP and every voter will have to decide what sort of drastic change they prefer, or dislike the least.

The outlook is thus even more uncertain than it was on that sunny morning of June 24 2016. That is why the pound is falling again (for now): the City has grasped the extent of the uncertaint­y of the next few years.

Boris is the Tories’ last chance. If he doesn’t deliver, if he stumbles incompeten­tly, if he sells out or is taken down by a minority of his MPS next week or in September, the Government would fall and the Tories implode. The most likely outcome of such an election before Brexit would be a Labour government, propped up by other Left-wing parties; the only other plausible alternativ­e would be some sort of Brexit Party-tory alliance (also the only way Boris could win before actually leaving the EU). The latter would lead us back to Brexit; the former to socialism. There is no escaping these two possible futures.

Wait a minute, some Remainers will doubtless interject: isn’t there a chance that a Left-wing majority would remove Corbyn, revoke Article 50 and return to their beloved Blairite utopia? Or that the Civil Service would step in, and defang the Corbynites in a coup similar to the one waged against the Brexiteers? Plenty of City workers and Remain-obsessed ex-tory profession­als are clinging to this hope; many are still considerin­g voting Labour to stop Brexit.

They and the likes of the CBI are dangerousl­y deluded: any conceivabl­e, realistic Left-wing government today would see the economy trashed to a far greater extent than in any nightmare scenario dreamt up by the purveyors of Brexit’s Project Fear.

Even were Corbyn somehow ousted and a different Left-winger propelled into No 10, they would be no Blairite. The entire party has shifted to the Left, a trend that started with Ed Miliband. There is now a broad consensus in Labour for a wealth tax, much higher marginal income tax rates, mass nationalis­ations, eliminatin­g selection and autonomy in the state school sector and increasing­ly also for abolishing private schools – not merely taxing them more. Yes, compensati­on would probably be paid to dispossess­ed shareholde­rs under a different Labour leader, and the party’s disgusting anti-semitism may be toned down, but the rest of the catastroph­ic agenda would survive.

The party’s dramatic shift on education should send a chilling warning to centrist voters who believe that blocking Brexit means preserving the status quo. It doesn’t: today’s Britain is at the end of the line. It’s either Brexit, or an unpreceden­ted turn to the hard Left.

Clive Lewis and Laura Pidcock, two frontbench­ers, have signed up to Labour Against Private Schools, whose objectives are more extreme than anything to be found in Labour’s infamous 1983 manifesto; Miliband himself, as well as the likes of Rachel Reeves, are among backbenche­rs who support the group.

Their best allies are the Tory diehards who claim to be willing to withdraw confidence from a Johnson government. These Remainers should concede the game is up. They were convinced delaying Brexit would bore the electorate into submission, yet Farage is now in a position to make or break prime minister Johnson.

So this is my message to the tiny number of Tory MPS who insist they may bring the house down in a final fit of pique: please, please come to your senses. You’ve lost; it happens to all of us sometimes. Your party is about to commit irrevocabl­y and fully to Brexit.

You must decide: either back PM Johnson to the hilt, even if that means no deal, or be held responsibl­e for a Corbyn government. You must also allow him to push through all the legislatio­n he needs, including a historic Brexit Budget.

It shouldn’t be much of a choice for any Conservati­ve worthy of that name, but we will soon find out what Oliver Letwin, Philip Hammond and the others are made of. I, for one, cannot believe they would want the unfathomab­le calamity that would be a PM Corbyn to haunt their conscience­s for the rest of their lives.

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