The Daily Telegraph

Leadership vote chaos

- Gemma Parker Stuart Dowding Nigel Evans

SIR – Not having received a leadership ballot paper, I rang Conservati­ve Party headquarte­rs (report, July 15). Eventually I reached an answerphon­e for the leadership election team, but could not leave a message as the mailbox was full. I also emailed, but just got a standard auto-response.

I have little faith left in the party’s ability to coordinate its own leadership election, let alone the country. How representa­tive will the result be? Will anyone ever know?

Lowestoft, Suffolk

SIR – The membership hotline appears not to be working. Central Office claims (incorrectl­y) that I have not paid my full subscripti­on, meaning I’m barred from voting in the leadership election, as I am not a member.

In May I stood for re-election as a Conservati­ve district councillor and funded my own campaign. The party was happy to take my money then and never breathed a word about non-membership.

Bicknoller, Somerset

SIR – For nearly 40 years I have paid a membership subscripti­on to the Conservati­ve Party. I also sent my local MP £100 for the last general election. So I was surprised to be informed that my membership ceased in 2017, meaning I have no vote. I have sent bank statement proof of my payments for the past three years, to no avail.

What a perfect way to alienate lifelong, active supporters. I plan to cancel my subscripti­on, my wife will not renew hers, and there will be no more donations or support for Conservati­ve events.

Repton, Derbyshire

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