The Daily Telegraph

Dozens killed as Russia and Assad intensify air assault

- Middle east correspond­ent By Raf Sanchez

DOZENS of civilians, including at least five children, have been killed in recent days as Russia and the Assad regime stepped up their assault on the rebel-held province of Idlib.

At least 59 civilians were killed in strikes on Monday, according to the UN, in one of the most intensive days of bombardmen­t since the regime offensive began three months ago.

The bloodiest air strikes fell on the market town of Maaret al-numan, where around 40 people died, including eight women and five children, the UN said. The explosions tore through vegetable stalls and buried civilians in rubble.

“The nightmare in Idlib is getting worse,” said Mark Cutts, the UN deputy humanitari­an coordinato­r for Syria.

“Many of the victims were women and children, some of them suffering the most horrific injuries.”

The air strike on Maaret al-numan was carried out by a Russian warplane, according to the Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights.

Moscow denied responsibi­lity, saying its aircraft were “not carrying out any missions in this part of Syria”. Assad regime forces, backed by Shia militias and Russian air power, have been fighting since April to seize control of Idlib, the last Syrian province still in rebel hands.

Syrian troops have made relatively little progress against rebel fighters, who are led by Hayat Tahrir al-sham, the al-qaeda linked jihadist group.

Around three million civilians have sought shelter in Idlib, many after fleeing from other parts of Syria.

The UN has warned of a major humanitari­an catastroph­e if Assad’s troops launch an all-out assault on the province.

Meanwhile, at least six people were injured in southern Turkey by a rocket fired from Syria. The Turkish defence ministry said it was fired from Kurdishcon­trolled territory in north-east Syria and said Turkey struck seven targets in the area in retaliatio­n.

Western-backed Kurdish forces, known as the People’s Protection Units, control parts of north-east Syria. Turkey considers them to be part of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party terrorist group.

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