The Daily Telegraph

Police and the fantasist


SIR – If Carl Beech (the fantasist now convicted of perverting the course of justice, report, July 23) had claimed that the Duke of Edinburgh was involved, would the police have searched Buckingham Palace?

After 30 years in the police, half of it in the CID, I did not work with anyone who would have believed this nonsense. I understand, but don’t accept, the policy of believing without challenge any allegation­s of a sexual nature, but even then there has to be a cold assessment of the claims.

While an investigat­ion should have started, this ought to have included a review of the complainan­t’s background. I understand from press reports that Beech’s own family had told the police he was a liar and fantasist. I find it incredible that a £2 million investigat­ion can be carried out with no corroborat­ing evidence.

The modern police service is geared up to handle sexual allegation­s with understand­ing, but good, experience­d detectives can still spot a liar a mile off. Jim Kirkwood

Kilmarnock, Ayrshire

SIR – Carl Beech has finally been found guilty. Tom Watson, the deputy leader of the Labour Party, was the person who, after a brief time with Beech, used parliament­ary privilege to encourage and support him, and was thus instrument­al in this sordid affair wrongly entering the public domain.

Harvey Proctor (report, July 23) rightly says that Mr Watson “gave oxygen” to Beech’s perverted attempt to blacken the names of several innocent public figures. So did we get a statement of contrition and apology from Mr Watson? Some hope. John Ball

Shoebury, Essex

SIR – My WI committee of astute and intelligen­t ladies would have seen through the fantasist “Nick” in under half an hour, and saved the gullible police force £2 million. Val Mann

Ipswich, Suffolk

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