The Daily Telegraph

The treatment of Lord Bramall is a national disgrace


He is tough, this old soldier – but nothing had prepared him for what happened

‘Iam not a bad chap, am I?” That was the sad question 95-year-old Lord Bramall recently asked his son, Nicolas. Let the record state that Edwin Noel Westby Bramall is the opposite of a bad chap. In 1944, aged 21, he led a platoon onto the Normandy beaches. Throughout his Army career, he served with distinctio­n before becoming Chief of the General Staff. He has the highest awards his country could bestow upon him, from Knight of the Garter to the Military Cross.

He is tough, this old soldier – but nothing had prepared him for what happened when there was a knock on the door of his Hampshire home on March 4 2015. Lord Bramall was eating breakfast with his wife, Avril, who suffered from Alzheimer’s, when a busload of police started tearing the place apart. He assumed it was a security matter, but it soon became clear that officers actually thought the veteran had been part of a paedophile ring that had raped and murdered children between 1975 and 1984. Others investigat­ed by Operation Midland included Ted Heath, Lord Brittan, Harvey Proctor and Lord Janner.

The whole thing – a £2.5million investigat­ion over 16 months – was

triggered by one man: Carl Beech, aka “Nick”. This former NHS manager, accused Lord Bramall of raping him in his office and at Armistice Day parties where boys had poppies pinned to their bare chests. There was no evidence to support this grotesque tale. But that didn’t stop the “abusers” being identified, or the Met’s Det Supt Kenny Mcdonald disgracefu­lly announcing that “Nick has been spoken to by experience­d officers... they believe what he is saying is credible and true”.

Nor did it deter Tom Watson, now Labour’s deputy leader, from a witch hunt – writing personally to Alison Saunders, then director of public prosecutio­ns. Just days after Lord Brittan’s death, Watson quoted an alleged “survivor of abuse” who said the Tory peer was “as close to evil as any human being could get”.

Turns out, the man who really deserves that descriptio­n is Carl Beech. Watson’s warped and malicious informer has just been convicted of 12 counts of perverting the course of justice and one count of fraud.

In a twist worthy of a thriller, it is Beech himself who was the devious paedophile. Late in the day, when police finally did their job and looked into the credibilit­y of their prize accuser, they found that this amoral sociopath was in possession of the worst possible child pornograph­y.

What does this disgracefu­l chapter in the history of policing tell us? How could Beech’s lies ever have been hailed as “credible”? I regret to say that Lord Bramall and the others fell foul of institutio­nalised confirmati­on bias. They may have suffered a heinous miscarriag­e of justice, but they were the wrong kind of victims. Police took forever to pursue the fiends who groomed white working-class girls in Rochdale and elsewhere because they were mainly of Pakistani origin. (The wrong kind of abusers, see?) Yet, they lost no time in pouncing on white, elderly, male establishm­ent figures.

After Jimmy Savile, police needed to be seen to be doing something about historic child abuse, even if that meant trashing the reputation­s of the innocent. Under Saunders, a “you will be believed” cult flourished, so “survivors” like Beech were welcomed instead of interrogat­ed. According to Simon Warr, author of

Presumed Guilty, vile individual­s like Beech thrive because this philosophy and “compensati­on culture, feeds the bogus sexual abuse industry by rewarding the most outrageous fraudsters with large cash payouts”.

To a soldier, such malevolenc­e is incomprehe­nsible. That’s why it’s painful to watch Lord Bramall’s police interview. His training has taught him to expect a chain of command with accountabi­lity for one’s actions. “Please report to your superiors and say there is no evidence,” he asks. In vain, he objects to the fact officers “thought it was sufficient to get a warrant with uncorrobor­ated evidence”.

Only once does he show signs of losing it – when he is forced to utter the awful words “torture of children”. “I find it quite incredible that anyone would believe someone of my standing and integrity would be capable of these things. It is unbelievab­le.”

It was unbelievab­le. Yet those who questioned “Nick” were damned as “paedophile apologists”.

Scotland Yard insists that its officers behaved “in good faith” and none is facing misconduct proceeding­s. That is an outrage. Operation Midland saw innocent men go to their graves under a shadow. Det Supt Mcdonald and others don’t deserve their comfortabl­e early retirement. They should be named and shamed and their pensions confiscate­d. Let them be a warning to any serving officers who behave with such incompeten­ce.

The case for granting anonymity to the accused is surely unarguable. Carl Beech will be sentenced on Friday. Long as he is put away for – and let it be as long as possible – his punishment will be as naught compared to what his victims have suffered. Lord Bramall says it has left him “more wounded” than anything in his military career.

So, if the police won’t apologise, if Watson won’t apologise, let’s do it for them.

We are sorry, Lord Bramall, that a life dedicated to the freedom of this country ended with you being treated like you live in a totalitari­an state. We are sorry that the police behaved like an absolute shower. We are sorry for the witch hunt which is so contrary to the values you were prepared to lay down your life for.

It is not your reputation which is damaged, it is that of your ignorant persecutor­s. Field Marshal Lord Bramall, Sir, we salute you.

 ??  ?? Allison Pearson
Allison Pearson
 ??  ?? Honourable gent: Lord Bramall says what he experience­d left him more damaged than the war
Honourable gent: Lord Bramall says what he experience­d left him more damaged than the war

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