The Daily Telegraph

If inflation hits it can be fast and devastatin­g

- Tom Stevenson

This might seem like a strange time to be worrying about rising prices. Smarter people than I think the biggest problem we face at the moment is not too much inflation, but too little. Central banks around the world are getting ready to prime the pumps once again – America’s interest rate hikes are over; the rest of us never even got started.

The Federal Reserve is almost certain to cut interest rates on Wednesday. Jay Powell, the Fed’s chairman, is concerned that America is turning Japanese economical­ly and has told Congress he is committed to reaching his 2pc inflation target. Last week, the ECB’S outgoing chief, Mario Draghi, had another “whatever it takes” moment, promising to let prices rip for a while if necessary to end Europe’s economic stagnation.

It’s not hard to make a case for cutting rates. Business confidence around the world is flagging; job creation in the US, although higher than required to satisfy new entrants to the labour force, is slowing; corporate profit growth is heading the wrong way; US rail freight volumes have been declining all year; more than two thirds of finance directors expect a recession in 2020; the bond market is going that way too.

To reverse monetary policy as everyone expects this week, however, will be to disregard an equally long list of reasons not to cut. These include: a 50-year low in the unemployme­nt rate at 3.7pc; more job vacancies than people looking for work, suggesting wage inflation to come; strong retail spending, underpinni­ng the 70pc of the US economy focused on the consumer; and a stock market flirting with all-time highs. Perhaps Mr Powell is right to worry that too little, too late risks America following the Japanese

template of long-term stagnation and a central bank ineffectiv­ely “pushing on a string”. Precaution­ary rate cuts in the Nineties were successful in prolonging the economic and stock market cycle.

A less widely entertaine­d possibilit­y, however, is that central banks around the world have been suckered into mistaking a cyclical absence of demand for a structural change in the inflation outlook. To understand whether that is so, it is worth looking at what has driven price growth lower over the past 40 years or so.

Two forces have combined to create the kind of downward pressure on inflation the world last experience­d in the 19th century as technologi­cal innovation opened up the world, lowered manufactur­ing costs and flooded consumer markets with stuff we never even knew we wanted.

The first phase of the more recent disinflati­on was caused by the accelerati­on of globalisat­ion triggered by China’s economic reforms in the Seventies. This vastly expanded the world’s low-cost production and reduced the bargaining power of labour everywhere. The second phase was what economist Mohamed El-erian has called the Amazon/ Google/uber effect.

Amazon cut costs by side-stepping intermedia­ries. Google achieved the same end by cutting the cost of search and bringing the cheapest option a click away. Uber slashed the pricing power of incumbents by cutting barriers to entry and swamping markets with new suppliers.

These trends are not finished but it is reasonable to think that the lion’s share of their contributi­on to the world’s four-decade-long disinflati­on may be reducing. This is particular­ly so because the shift in power from labour to capital that globalisat­ion and technology have fuelled carries within itself the seeds of its own reversal.

The rise of populist politics is a direct response to the alienation and anger felt by the left-behind majority about rising inequality of wealth and opportunit­y. Populism is essentiall­y inflationa­ry because it encourages higher government spending, borrowing and a curbing of the power of capitalist­s relative to workers.

Another feature of populist politics – the erection of protection­ist barriers to free trade – is also inflationa­ry.

It might seem premature to worry about inflation today but it often arrives quickly and devastatin­gly and the biggest damage to an investor’s portfolio is often sustained in the first phase of rapidly rising inflation.

Between 1972 and 1973, inflation doubled from 3pc to 6pc. It doubled again the next year. During those two years the S&P 500 fell by more than 40pc. It paid to worry early then, and it might today. This is when it’s cheap to protect yourself with inflationl­inked bonds, well-managed companies with pricing power, or gold. You won’t regret doing so.

‘The biggest damage to a portfolio is often with rapidly rising inflation’

Tom Stevenson is an investment director at Fidelity Internatio­nal. The views are his own. He tweets at @tomstevens­on63

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