The Daily Telegraph

Downing Street inner circle who put the prorogatio­n plan into action


Dominic Cummings

Every move made by Downing Street is planned by Dominic Cummings, the former Vote Leave campaign chief who is Boris Johnson’s top adviser. His no-nonsense approach appalls and delights in equal measure. Mr Cummings, who worked as a special adviser under Michael Gove at the Department of Education for almost three years, has a win-at-all-costs mentality and prorogatio­n is no doubt the first of many surprises he has planned. Sam Freedman, a former civil servant who worked alongside Mr Cummings in the education department, said: “It’s extraordin­ary the extent to which Cummings is actually the PM. No adviser has dominated the Downing Street agenda like this ever before.”

Geoffrey Cox

The Attorney General may be a Brexiteer, but his profession­al pride outweighs any political motivation­s – as Theresa May found out to her cost. It was the barrister who sealed the fate of her Brexit deal, when he admitted there is no way for

the UK to unilateral­ly leave the Irish backstop protocol. The new Downing Street regime is clearly learning from that mistake, and sought advice from Mr Cox on the legality of prorogatio­n before the plan was made public.

Michael Gove

Despite the bad blood between him and Mr Johnson, the former environmen­t secretary is a key member of Downing Street’s top team. The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster was one of the few people to

know about the prorogatio­n plan, which was cooked up by Mr Cummings. The trio of Gove, Cummings and Johnson were a formidable team in the 2016 EU referendum, and it is unlikely that any of Mr Cummings’ plots will go ahead without Mr Gove’s approval.

Nikki da Costa

If Mr Cummings is Downing Street’s bad cop, Nikki da Costa fulfils the good cop role. After serving as Theresa May’s director of legislativ­e affairs, Ms Da Costa quit in protest at her Brexit plan. After spending eight months

outside Westminste­r, she returned to help the new regime. An expert on parliament­ary procedure, Ms Da Costa will no doubt work with Mr Cummings to craft a series of procedural snakes and ladders to ensure Brexit goes through on Oct 31.

Jacob Rees-mogg

The former head of the European Research Group of Brexiteer Conservati­ve MPS is a stickler for tradition and convention, and is relishing his role at the centre of these constituti­onal manoeuvrin­gs.

He was dispatched to Balmoral to meet the Queen to request Parliament be prorogued, underlinin­g his importance to Mr Johnson’s regime. He said the shutdown was the “normal functionin­g of our constituti­on”. Mr Rees-mogg will be under pressure from angry Remainback­ing

MPS, and an extremely perturbed John Bercow, the Commons Speaker, next time he is at the Dispatch Box, but his calm style should see him sail through any storms. His grasp of parliament­ary history will no doubt be exhibited with gentle, but effective, venom.

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