The Daily Telegraph

Blairism is once again at the heart of Labour

Corbyn’s party is not ‘the people’s party’. It’s a bogus mix of centrists and Lefties who resent democracy

- sherelle jacobs follow Sherelle Jacobs on Twitter @Sherelle_e_j; read more at

Aspectre is haunting Brexit and its name is Tony Blair. Not merely the man himself – though, my, how stirringly his anti-brexit diatribes this week have embodied the desolate passion and antiscepti­c piety of the arch-remainer cause. But also the cunning and ruthless Europhile Establishm­ent that the former Labour leader bequeathed to Britain and has declared total war on No10. Sadly, Leave voters must now brace themselves for the most unscrupulo­us orchestrat­ed attempt in modern British history to undermine a democratic vote.

In a generation, Blairism – a globalist, post-modernist strain of authoritar­ianism, cleverly adapted to the pretences and exigencies of the modern Western world – has utterly colonised the minds of the British ruling class. The anti-intellectu­al dustbowl of an ideology – which stands for vaporous concepts like “compromise” and “the centre ground” – has bewitched the

most bungalow-minded of today’s Tories, from those possessed by the dullard’s disdain for big ideas, like Philip Hammond, to vain mediocriti­es who would rather plunge the country into a Corbyn abyss than fade gracefully into oblivion, like John Bercow.

But perhaps more astounding is how Blairite anti-brexit forces have, in recent months, reclaimed Labour by stealth. The party’s centrist ruling caste, which comprises not only snob yobs like Emily Thornberry but also not-so-banished alumni like Alastair Campbell and Blair himself, have effectivel­y neutralise­d the movement’s Euroscepti­c Left. They have achieved this by preying partly on Mr Corbyn’s intellectu­al sluggishne­ss but mainly on Marxism’s acute appetite for power at any cost.

Tony Blair is openly coaching his successor; Labour’s move to block the PM’S vote for a general election yesterday followed his suggestion. Corbyn is also strategisi­ng straight out of the New Labour rulebook. Absurd as it sounds, his overriding aim now is to depict Boris Johnson as Britain’s most dangerous extremist. By blocking a general election until no deal is off the table, the Opposition leader is trying to sabotage the Tories’ electoral message; Corbyn aims to peddle Labour as the only force that can stop legally-enshrined protection against a “disastrous” no deal from being ripped up by a fundamenta­list Tory cult in an October election - or perhaps even deny the PM a national vote before Halloween altogether, in the hope it will drive him into a humiliatin­g EU extension.

Appalling as it is to see the so-called party of the people block not only the democratic vote for Brexit, but a general election to boot, it comes as little surprise. Labour is a bogus “party of the people”. In the early 20th century, it infiltrate­d and smothered the individual­istic free-trade populism that was organicall­y emerging across the country. Today, the party’s hard Left is a whingeing, despotic claque, gripped by bourgeois control-freakery and a vain messiah complex.

Over the past century, its full-fat socialists and watery centrists have sought both to crush the concept of freedom within the bosom of socialist compassion, and to tranquilli­se the potential of the masses via soothing fairy-tales of victimhood. Moreover, its followers deeply resent democracy, which, after countless embarrassi­ng election routs, it believes to be systemical­ly incapable of delivering “the right result”. Labour’s outrageous move to block Brexit is thus merely the logical culminatio­n of its piteous and imperious 119-year history. And, crucially, Blairism and Corbynism are two sides of the same coin. Both feed off the top-down impulses of urban intelligen­tsia. The Trotskyist­s are also willing to embrace synthetic Blairite soundbites, if it offer a path to power.

Disturbing­ly, the metropolit­an establishm­ent that dominates British big business and 24-hour media seems only too happy to help Labour in its quest to stop Brexit. Analysts at Citibank and Deutsche Bank have declared that a high-tax Corbyn government would cause less harm than no deal. Meanwhile, the BBC, brainwashe­d by the Blairite concept of a neutral and sensible political centre ground, now habitually depicts a World Trade Organizati­on (WTO) exit as extreme.

As we enter the Brexit endgame, Project Remain will put up a blistering fight. From triangulat­ing narratives, to convoluted positionin­g which deliberate­ly attempts to render the most deplorable anti-democratic tactics barely comprehens­ible, in the coming weeks the forces of the status quo will forensical­ly draw on the techniques that have kept the political elite in power for decades. But for all its political skills, the establishm­ent – which now, hysterical­ly, has a Marxist as its main mouthpiece – is vulnerable. The public is not fooled by the post-modernist informatio­n chaos spewed out by the political elite. Voters cannot be bullied into believing that wanting to leave the EU is a radical view.

A moment of reckoning is coming, and when Britain finally goes to the polls, granted Labour will pick up support in leafy Remainia, but across its heartlands the counterfei­t party will be permanentl­y obliterate­d.

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