The Daily Telegraph

Duterte, 74, suffering from incurable eye condition

- By Our Foreign Staff

ALLIES of Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippine­s president, played down concern about his health after the populist leader announced he is suffering from a chronic neuromuscu­lar disorder.

Mr Duterte, who has quipped that he may not live out a six-year term that ends in 2022, told members of the Filipino community in Russia at the weekend that he has a rare autoimmune disease that is causing one of his eyelids to droop.

The condition is the latest to afflict the 74-year-old leader after back problems, migraines, a throat illness and a circulator­y disease.

“He has localised ocular myasthenia. It has not progressed, it remains localised,” said a close Duterte aide, Senator Christophe­r “Bong” Go.

The president has had the condition for a long time, Mr Go told Reuters, although Mr Duterte’s spokesman told a news conference he only became aware of the president’s disorder after he mentioned it on Saturday.

“Nothing serious,” Mr Go said, adding that the president was “conscious of his health”. With an approval rating of about 80 per cent, there is little prospect of an opposition challenge to Mr Duterte’s authority, on health or any other grounds.

Known for his busy schedule and long speeches, several disappeara­nces from public view have fuelled rumours about his declining health, but the government has repeatedly dismissed any suggestion of a problem.

There is no cure for myasthenia gravis, which causes muscle weakness, but treatment can relieve symptoms.

Mr Duterte is the oldest person to be elected president in the Philippine­s since the Second World War. Late last year he said he had tested negative for cancer, and he blamed his long exposure to the sun when the public noticed discoloura­tion in his face.

The constituti­on provides for the public to be told of the state of health of a president, if serious. If a sitting president dies, is permanentl­y disabled or removed through impeachmen­t, the vice-president serves the remainder of a six-year, single term.

Mr Duterte is known for an unorthodox work schedule that typically starts in the mid-afternoon and can go on well beyond midnight.

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