The Daily Telegraph

The Turkish invasion of Syria What happens now


QWhat will the Turkish offensive look like?

ARecep Tayyip Erdoğan has proposed a large-scale offensive across 300 miles of the Turkish-syrian border to drive back the Kurdishled Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which Turkey considers a terrorist group, and create a “safe zone” for Syrian refugees.

QWhat will happen in the “safe zone”?

ATurkey hopes to move more than one million Syrian refugees into the safe zone once it pushes back the SDF.

That would help Mr Erdoğan fulfil domestic political pledges to reduce the number of Syrians in Turkey. It also has the strategic benefit of creating a buffer zone of Syrian Arabs between the Kurds of northeast Syria and the Kurds of southeast Turkey.

Turkey says it will provide public services in areas it occupies, but many fear that Kurdish population­s in Syria will be displaced and the area will be unable to support so many refugees.

QWhat happens to Isil prisoners in Syria?

AWestern officials are deeply concerned that the fighting will cause chaos that could allow Isil prisoners to escape. Some of the prisons holding Isil suspects may be seized by advancing Turkish forces, but there is little chance of an orderly handover from the Kurds to the Turks who are attacking them.

Other prisons further south will stay in Kurdish hands. However, there may also be problems there, as the SDF is likely to pull its troops away from guard duties to defend its territory. The White House says Turkey will be responsibl­e for all Isil prisoners in the area.

QAWhat will the SDF do now?

The SDF has vowed to fight against the Turkish offensive, but may decide that some tactical retreats are necessary rather than face a full-on assault. SDF fighters have proved themselves adept against Isil, but they lack the heavy weaponry to confront Turkey’s military power, especially its air force.

Over the longer term, the SDF may decide it has no choice but to align itself more closely with the Assad regime. The two sides have many disagreeme­nts, but have a shared goal of keeping the Turks out of north-east Syria.

QIs this the first time the West has let down the Kurds?

ANo, the Kurds feel they have been repeatedly betrayed. At the end of the First World War, the allies promised to create a Kurdish state amid the remains of the Ottoman Empire, but later reneged.

The West set up a no-fly zone over Kurdish areas of northern Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War, which allowed the Kurds to set up a semi-autonomous state. The Kurds tried to declare independen­ce in 2017, but the US stood by while Iraqi forces crushed their independen­ce bid.

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